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Honors Funding Opportunities

The LSA Honors Program awards current undergraduate Honors students various scholarships and prizes, thanks to the generosity of alumni and friends of Honors. The program also provides funding support for student opportunities that are consistent with Honors core values and academic objectives.

The LSA Honors Program does not offer need- or merit-based tuition support scholarships; these are handled by the Office of Financial Aid and LSA Scholarships. For additional resources you may also wish to consult the U-M Office of Admissions Cost & Aid or the LSA Scholarships Student Resource Guide.

For major national scholarships and fellowships, please visit the website of The Office of National Scholarships and Fellowships. ONSF is an office at the University of Michigan that recruits and prepares U-M undergraduate, graduate, and professional students and recent alums from every school and college at U-M for major national scholarship and fellowship competitions.

Navigate to information about the Honors Summer Fellowship by using the sidebar on the left.

Click on the photos below or use the sidebar to the left to learn more about LSA Honors Program funding opportunities. Watch our Honors Funding Opportunities presentation on the Honors Archived Presentations Canvas site. Honors students received invitations to join this site. If you have trouble accessing content, please email [email protected].

Honors is required to post the following statements regarding student awards:  If a student receives an award or grant from Honors, it will be credited to their account through Wolverine Access. If the account is already fully covered by financial aid (grants, scholarships, loans), the award may reduce the balance of the loans or other aid. Occasionally, awards are credited without proper adjustments, resulting in an improper check or deposit to the student. If this happens, you may be asked by Student Financial Services to return the full amount. Please know that the LSA Honors Program will make every effort to avoid this situation. The financial aid package of every student receiving an award from Honors is reviewed. The Office of Financial Aid is consulted to resolve any issues. If an award cannot be given without affecting existing financial aid, the award will not be processed and the student will be notified.

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