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Laura Aull
Professor & Writing Program Director
Enoch Brater
Kenneth T. Rowe Collegiate Professor of Dramatic Literature & Professor of English and Theater
3255 Angell Hall
Anne Curzan
Geneva Smitherman Collegiate Professor of English Language and Literature, Linguistics, and Education; Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
2205 LSA Building
Anne Ruggles Gere
Professor/Chair Prg in Engl&Edu
1354 North Quadrangle Academic/2018 SAB
Kelly Hoffer
Helen Zell Visiting Professor in Poetry
Angell Hall 4179
Laura Kasischke
Theodore Roethke Distinguished University Professor: Residential College/Department of English Language and Literature
Aliyah Khan
Associate Professor of English; Associate Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies; Director of the Global Islamic Studies Center, International Institute.
3164 Angell Hall
Julian Levinson
Samuel Shetzer Professor of American Jewish Studies
3058 Tisch Hall
Justin Mitchell
Assistant Professor
3152 Angell Hall
Meghna Sapui
Assistant Professor, English Language & Literature; Postdoctoral Fellow, Michigan Society of Fellows
4183 Angell Hall
Michael Schoenfeldt
John R. Knott, Jr. Collegiate Professor of English
5217 Angell Hall
Megan Sweeney
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of English; Afroamerican and African Studies; and Women's and Gender Studies; and Director of Graduate Studies
3032 Tisch Hall
Valerie Traub
Adrienne Rich Distinguished University Professor of English and Women's & Gender Studies; Frederick G. L. Huetwell Professor of English and Women's & Gender Studies
3064 Tisch Hall