Professor of English and Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
Office Information:
3267 Angell Hall
hours: Tuesdays 12-1, 2.30-4, and remotely by appointment
Womens Literature; Graduate Faculty; Comparative Literature; Drama and Performance; English; Material Culture; Medieval; Pedagogy; Gender and Sexuality; Editorial Theory and Textual Studies; British
Ph.D., UCLA 1989Current Courses
ENGLISH 290-005
Themes in Language and Literature
ENGLISH 465-001
Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales
MEMS 465-001
Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales
Highlighted Work and Publications

Gender and Power in Medieval Exegesis
Theresa Tinkle
Gender and Power in Medieval Exegesis analyzes the nexus of gender and power in biblical commentaries from the fifth to the fifteenth century, focusing on crucial moments in the development of exegesis. The argument pursues the literary trope of the woman on top through major literary-exegetical works: Augustine's Confessions, Jerome's Against Jovinian, the Fleury Slaughter of Innocents, and Chaucer's Wife of Bath's Prologue. Theresa Tinkle reveals how the authoritative woman in these works can signify either a troubling disruption of ordained social order, or... See More