For all classes, the Department uses the electronic waitlist system once the class fills. Students seeking to enroll in an already full class can put their names on a waitlist through the on-line registration system (Wolverine Access). A waitlist number will appear on the student’s schedule indicating their sequence spot on the electronic waitlist. However, priority on the waitlist is determined not by sequential order but by the Departmental policies indicated below. Departmental staff monitor enrollment and work with Faculty to apply appropriate departmental policies to determine which, if any, students are accepted into the class once it is full and waitlisted.
Waitlist priorities in 100-level courses:
1. Sophomores
2. Freshmen
3. Juniors
4. Seniors
Waitlist priorities in DATASCI 101, STATS 250 and STATS 280:
Overrides in STATS 206/DATASCI 101, STATS 250 and STATS 280 are issued from the lab section waitlist. When a seat is open in a lab, an override is issued to the first person of that labs waitlist. If the override is not used within 24 hours, the student will be dropped from the waitlist and an override will be issued to the next person on the lab waitlist.
Waitlist priorities in 300 and 400-level courses:
1. Senior majors/minors
2. Junior majors/minors
3. Sophomore majors/minors
4. All other undergraduate and graduate students in order of sequence on the waitlist who have fulfilled the appropriate prerequisite.
Request permission into DATASCI 306 or STATS 412 or STATS 413 without enforced prerequisites. You will need to submit proof of your completion of (or enrollment in if concurrency is allowed) the prerequisites at an outside institution.
Permission Procedures
Students offered permission will receive an email with registration information from Wolverine Access. After receiving permission, students must add the class via Wolverine Access to become officially enrolled. Also, students will not be able to register for the course (add the course) until they are issued permission and have dropped themselves from the waitlist. In all cases, it is the student’s responsibility to insure that he or she is properly enrolled in a course by the expiration date.
New Major/Minor Status
Newly declared majors and minors should present their approved, signed declaration form to department staff to confirm official declared status. Staff and Faculty rely on signed declaration forms to validate a student’s official Statistics major or minor status so that appropriate waitlist priority is granted.
Any questions regarding the waitlist can be sent to [email protected].