To request a Technical Report, e-mail [email protected]
Technical Reports (500-544)
544. "Tensor models for linguistics pitch curve data of native speakers of Afrikaans" by Michael Hornstein, Shuheng Zhou, and Kerby Shedden (2018)
543. "Non-separable covariance models forspatio-temporal data, with applications to neural encoding analysis" by Seyoung Park, Kerby Shedden and Shuheng Zhou (2017)
542. "Tensor Graphical Lasso (TeraLasso)" by Kristjan Greenewald, Shuheng Zhou, and Alfred Hero III (2017)
541. "Time-Varying Matrix-Variate Graphical Models" by Kristjan Greenewald, Seyoung Park, Alexander Giessing, and Shuheng Zhou (2017)
540. "Joint mean and covariance estimation with unreplicated matrix-variate data" by Michael Hornstein, Roger Fan, Kerby Shedden and Shuheng Zhou (2016)
539. "Sparse Hanson-Wright inequalities for subgaussian quadratic forms" by Shuheng Zhou (2015)
538. "Errors-in-Variables Models with Dependent Measurements" by Mark Rudelson and Shuheng Zhou (2015)
537. "Micro-Randomized Trials inmHealth" by P. Liao, P. Klasnja, A. Tewari & S.A. Murphy (2015)
536. "Identifiability and optimal rates of convergence for parameters of multiple types in finite mixtures" by Nhat Ho and XuanLong Nguyen (2015)
535. "A hierarchical Gauss-Pareto model for spatial prediction of extreme precipitation" by Robert Yuen and Peter Guttorp (2014)
534. "Upper bounds on Value-at-Risk for the maximum portfolio loss" by Robert Yuen and Stilian Stoev (2014)
533. "CRPS M-Estimation for Max-Stable Models" by Robert Yuen and Stilian Stoev (2013)
532. "Borrowing Strength in Hierarchical Bayes: Convergence of the Dirichlet Base Measure" by XuanLong Nguyen (2013)
531. "Gemini: Graph Estimation with Matrix Variate Normal Instances" by Shuheng Zhou (2012)
530. "Detecting Neuronal Connectivity from Serial Patterns in Spike Train Data" by Casey Diekman, Kohinoor Dasgupta, Vijay Nair, K.P. Unnikrishnan (2012)
529. "Sequential Detection of Multiple Change Points in Networks: A Graphical Model Approach" by Arash Ali Amini and XuanLong Nguyen (2012)
528. "Posterior Contraction Rates of the Population Polytopes in Finite Admixture Models" by XuanLong Nguyen (2012)
527. "Wasserstein Distances for Discrete Measures and Convergence in Nonparametric Mixture Models" by XuanLong Nguyen (2011)
526. "Limit Theorems for Quadratic Forms of Markov Chains" by Yves F. Atchadé and Matias D. Cattaneo (2011)
525. "Estimation of Network Structures from Partially Observed Markov Random Fields" by Yves F. Atchadé (2011)
524. "Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Health Policy Decision Making: Direct Methods for Multi-State Processes" by Megan DeFauw, Vijayan N. Nair and Yang Yang (2011)
523. "Parametric Inference for Multi-State Semi-Markov Models with Panel Data" by Yang Yang, Yves F. Atchadé and Vijayan N. Nair (2011)
522. "Reconstruction from Anisotropic Random Measurements" by Mark Rudelson and Shuheng Zhou (2011)
521. "Fast Approximation Algorithms for Near-optimal Large-scale Network Monitoring" by Michael G. Kallitsis, Stilian A. Stoev and George Michailidis (2011)
520. "Decomposability for Stable Processes" by Yizao Wang, Stilian A. Stoev and Parthanil Roy (2011)
519. "Parametric Inference for Time-to-`Failure' in Multi-State Semi-Markov Models: A Comparison of Marginal and Process Approaches" by Yang Yang and Vijayan N. Nair (2011)
518. "Functional Limit Theorems for Maxima in Holder Spaces" by Stilian A. Stoev (2011)
517. "Asymptotics for Current Status Data Under Varying Observation Time Sparsity (V10)" by Runlong Tang, Moulinath Banerjee and Michael r. Kosorok (2011)
516. "Margin Adaptive Model Selection for Medical Decision Making" by Min Qian, Runze Li and Susan A. Murphy (2010)
515. "Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling for Functional Analysis of Variance" by XuanLong Nguyen and Alan E. Gelfand (2010)
514. "Generating Test Problems for Performance Evaluation of Response Surface Optimization Methods" by Daniel J. Lizotte, Russell Greiner, and Dale Schuurmans (2010)
513. "Self-Adaptive Lasso and its Bayesian Estimation" by Jian Kang and Jian Guo (2010).
512. "High-Dimensional Covariance Estimation Based On Gaussian Graphical Models" by Shuheng Zhou, Philipp Rutimann, Min Xu, Peter Buhlmann (2010)
511. "Thresholded Lasso for High Dimensional Variable Selection" by Shuheng Zhou (2010)
510. "Community Extraction for Social Networks" by Yunpeng Zhao, Elizaveta Levina and Ji Zhu (2010)
509. "Conditional Sampling for Max-Stable Random Fields" by Yizao Wang and Stilian A. Stoev (2010)
508. "Network-Wide Statistical Modeling and Prediction of Computer Traffic" by Joel Vaughan, Stilian Stoev and George Michailidis (2010)
507. "Joint Structure Estimation for Categorical Markov Networks" by Jian Guo, Elizaveta Levina, George Michailidis and Ji Zhu (2010)
506. "Statistical Inference in Dynamic Treatment Regimes" by Eric B. Laber, Min Qian, and Susan A. Murphy (2010)
505. "Network Enrichment Analysis in complex Experiments" by Ali Shojaie and George Michailidis (2010)
504. ''Graphically Dependent and Spatially Varying Dirichlet Process Mixtures" by XuanLong Nguyen (2010)
503. ''Threshold Estimation Based on a P-Value Framework" by Bodhisattva Sen, Moulinath Banerjee and George Michailidis (2009)
502. ''Kernel Estimators of Asymptotic Variance for Adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo" by Yves F. Atchadé (2009)
501. ''Ergodic Properties of Sum- and Max- Stable Stationary Random Fields via Null and Positive Group Actions" by Yizao Wang, Parthanil Roy and Stilian A. Stoev (2009)
500. ''Joint Estimation of Multiple Graphical Models" by Jian Guo, Elizaveta Levina, George Michailidis and Ji Zhu (2009)
Technical Reports (400-499)
499. ''Sparse Multivariate Regression with Covariance Estimation" by Adam J. Rothman, Elizaveta Levina and Ji Zhu (2009)
498. ''Performance Guarantees for Individualized Treatment Rules" by Min Qian and Susan A. Murphy (2009)
497. ''Adaptive Confidence Intervals for the Test Error in Classification" by Eric B. Laber and Susan A. Murphy (2009)
496. ''Sample Size Calculation for Comparing Two-Stage Treatment Strategies with Censored Data" by Zhiguo Li and Susan Murphy (2009)
495. ''Adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Theory and Methods" by Yves F. Atchadé, Gersende Fort, Eric Moulines and Pierre Priouret (2009)
494. ''A Computational Framework for Empirical Bayes Inference" by Yves F. Atchadé (2009)
493. ''Randomized Evaluation of Institutions: Theory with Applications to Voting and Deliberation Experiments" by Yves F. Atchadé and Leonard Wantchekon (2009)
492. ''Optimal Scaling of Metropolis-Coupled Markov Chain Monte Carlo" by Yves F. Atchadé, Gareth O. Roberts and Jeffrey S. Rosenthal (2009)
491. ''Limit Theorems for Some Adaptive MCMC Algorithms with Subgeometric Kernels: Part II" by Yves F. Atchadé and Gersende Fort(2009)
490. ''On Global Modeling of Network Traffic" by Stilian Stoev, George Michailidis and Joel Vaughan (2009)
489. ''A Two-Stage Hybrid Procedure for Estimating an Inverse Regression Function" by Runlong Tang, Moulinath Banerjee and George Michailidis (2009)
488. ''On the Association of Sum- and Max- Stable Processes" by Yizao Wang and Stilian A. Stoev (2009)
487. ''On the Structure and Representations of Max-Stable Processes" by Yizao Wang and Stilian A. Stoev (2009)
486. ''Propensity Score Matching to Recover Latent Experiments: Diagnostics and Asymptotics" by Ben B. Hansen (2009)
485. ''Pairwise Variable Selection for High-Dimensional Model-Based Clustering" by Jian Guo, Elizaveta Levina, George Michailidis and Ji Zhu (2009)
484. ''Principal Component Analysis with Sparse Fused Loadings" by Jian Guo, Elizaveta Levina, George Michailidis and Ji Zhu (2009)
483. ''Class-Specific Variable Selection for Multicategory Support Vector Machines" by Jian Guo (2009)
482. ''The Sensitivity of Linear Regression Coeffiencients' Confidence Limits to the Omission of a Confounder" by Carrie Hosman, Ben B. Hansen and Paul W. Holland (2009)
481. ''Assessing Confidence in Policies Learned from Sequential Randomized Trials" by Daniel J. Lizotte, Eric Laber and Susan A. Murphy (2009)
480. ''A New Approach to Cholesky-Based Covariance Regularization in High Dimensions" by Adam J. Rothman, Elizaveta Levina, and Ji Zhu (2009)
479. ''Tracking Multiple Targets Using Binary Decisions from Wireless Sensor Networks" by Natallia Katenka, Elizaveta Levina, and George Michailidis (2008)
478. ''Bayesian Computation for Statistical Models with Intractable Normalizing Constants" by Yves F. Atchadé, Nicolas Lartillot and Christian Robert (2008)
477. ''Generalized Thresholding of Large Covariance Matrices" by Adam J. Rothman, Elizaveta Levina, and Ji Zhu (2008)
476. ''Representations of the Optimal Filter in the Context of Nonlinear Filtering of Random Fields with Fractional Noise" by Matthew Linn and Anna Amirdjanova (2008)
475. ''Inverse Stochastic Transfer Prinicple" by Matthew Linn and Anna Amirdjanova (2008)
474. ''A Cost-Efficient Approach to Wireless Sensor Network Design" by Natallia Katenka, Elizaveta Levina and George Michailidis (2007)
473. ''The Stochastic Transfer Principle for Multiple Integrals with Respect to Multiparameter Fractional Brownian Sheet" by Matthew Linn (2007)
472. ''Discovering Sparse Covariance Structures with the Isomap" by A. S. Wagaman and E. Levina (2007)
471. ''On Fractile Regression" by Bodhisattva Sen and Probal Chaudhuri (2007)
470. ''Inconcistency of Bootstrap: the Grenander Estimator" by Bodhisattva Sen, Moulinath Banerjee and Michael Woodroofe (2007)
469. ''Does Ethnic Solidarity Facilitate Electoral Support for Nation-Building Policies? Evidence from a Political Experiment" by Yves F. Atchadé and Leonard Wantchekon (2007)
468. ''A Cautionary Tale on the Efficiency of Some Adaptive Monte Carlo Schemes" by Yves F. Atchadé (2007)
467. ''Sparse Permutation Invariant Covariance Estimation" by Adam J. Rothman, Peter J. Bickel, Elizaveta Levina and Ji Zhu (2007)
466. ''Change-Point Estimation Under Adaptive Sampling" by Yan, Lan, Moulinath Banerjee and George Michailidis (2007)
465. ''Stochastic Evolution Equations for Nonlinear Filtering of Random Fields in the Presence of Fractional Brownian Sheet Observation Noise" by Anna Amirdjanova and Matthew Linn (2007)
464. ''Group Variable Selection via a Hierarchical Lasso and Its Oracle Property" by Nengfeng Zhou and Ji Zhu (2007)
463. ''Variable Selection for Optimal Decision Making" by Lacey Gunter, Ji Zhu and Susan Murphy (2007)
462. ''On the Estimation of the Extremal Index Based on Scaling and Resampling" by Kamal Hamidieh, Stilian A. Stoev and George Michailidis (2007)
461. ''On the Ergodicity and Mixing of Max-Stable Processes" by Stilian A. Stoev (2007)
460. ''Stochastic Transfer Principle for Multiple Integrals with Respect to Gaussian Random Fields with Applications" by Anna Amirdjanova (2006)
459. ''Sparse Estimation of Large Covariance Matrices via a Hierarchical Lasso Penalty" by Elizaveta Levina and Ji Zhu (2006)
458. ''Modeling and Analysis of Dispersion Effects in Robust Design Experiments" by Derek Bingham and Vijayan Nair (2006)
457. ''Statistical Aspects of the Analysis of Data Networks" by Lorraine Denby, James M. Landwehr, Colin L. Mallows, Jean Meloche, John Tuck, Bowei Xi, George Michailidis and Vijayan N. Nair (2006)
456. ''Graphical Estimators from Probability Plots with Right Censored Data" by Anupap Somboonsavatdee, Vijay Nair and Ananda Sen (2006)
455. ''Statistical Inverse Problems in Active Network Tomography" by Earl Lawrence, George Michailidis and Vijayan N. Nair (2006)
454. ''Efficient Monte Carlo Simulation with a Class of Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains" by Yves F. Atchade (2006)
453. ''Variable Selection with Strong Hierarchy Constraints and Its Application to Identification of Gene-Gene and Gene-Environment Interactions" by Nam Hee Choi and Ji Zhu (2006)
452. ''Robust Target Localization from Binary Decisions" by Natallia Katenka, Elizaveta Levina and George Michailidis (2006)
451. ''Estimating the Number of Pure Chemical Components in a Mixture by Maximum Likelihood" by E. Levina, A.S. Wagaman, A.F. Callender, G.S. Mandair, M.D. Morris (2006)
450. ''Improved Centroids Estimation for the Nearest Shrunken Centroid Classifier" by Sijian Wang and Ji Zhu (2006)
449. ''Variable Selection for Model-Based High-Dimensional Clustering and Its Application to Microarray Data" by Sijian Wang and Ji Zhu (2006)
448. ''Attributing Effects to a Cluster Randomized Get-Out-The-Vote Campaign" by Jake Bowers and Ben B. Hansen (2006)
447. ''On the Estimation of the Heavy-Tail Exponent in Time Series using the Max-Spectrum" by Stilian A. Stoev and George Michailidis (2006)
446. ''Estimating a Polya Frequency Function" by Jayanta Pal, Michael Woodroofe and Mary Meyer (2006)
445. ''Estimating Heavy-Tail Exponents Through Max Self-Similarity" by Stilian A. Stoev, George Michailidis and Murad S. Taqqu (2006)
444. ''Local Vote Decision Fusion for Target Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks" by Natallia Katenka, Elizaveta Levina and George Michailidis (2006)
443. ''Penalized Likelihood Ratio Method to Construct Confidence Interval for f(0+) when f is a Decreasing Density" by Jayanta Kumar Pal and Michael Woodroofe (2006)
442. ''Competing Statistics in Exponential Family Regression Models Under Certain Shape Constraints" by Moulinath Banerjee (2006)
441. ''Bias Reduction in Observational Studies via Prognosis Scores" by Ben B. Hansen (2006)
440. ''Decision Trees for Instantaneous Hazard Rates with Adjustment for Covariate Effects" by Moulinath Banerjee and Ian W. McKeague (2006)
439. ''Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Stationary Processes" by Ou Zhao and Michael Woodroofe (2006)
438. ''Parameter Estimation for Nonlinear State Space Models" by E. L. Ionides, C. Bretó and A. A. King (2006)
437. ''Estimating Monotone, Unimodal and U-Shaped Failure Rates Using Asymptotic Pivots" by Moulinath Banerjee (2006)
436. ''Appraising Covariate Balance after Assignment to Treatment by Groups" by Ben Hansen (2006)
435. ''Bayesian Inference for Ordinal Data Using Multivariate Probit Models" by Earl Lawrence, Derek Bingham, Chuanhai Liu and Vijayan N. Nair (2006)
434. ''Extremal Stochastic Integrals: A Parallel Between Max-Stable Processes and α-Stable Processes" by Stilian A. Stoev and Murad S. Taqqu (2006)
433. ''Max-Stable Sketches: Exact Point Queries and– Norm Estimation for Non-Negative Signals" by Stilian A. Stoev and Murad S. Taqqu (2006)
432. ''A Semiparametric Binary Regression Model Involving Monotonicity Constraints" by Moulinath Banerjee, Pinaki Biswas and Debashis Ghosh (2006)
431. ''Piecewise Linear Regularized Solution Paths" by Saharon Rosset and Jhi Zhu (2006)
430. ''A Multi-class AdaBoost" by Ji Zhu, Saharon Rosset, Hui Zou, Trevor Hastie (2005)
429. ''A Comparison of Randomized Trials and the Multi-Phase Optimization Strategy for Behavioral Interventions" by Bibhas Chakraborty, Linda M. Collins, Susan A. Murphy, Vijay Nair and Victor J. Strecher (2005)
428. ''Quantile Regression in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces" by Youjuan Li, Yufeng Liu and Ji Zhu (2005)
427. ''Network Tomography: A Review and Recent Developments" by Earl Lawrence, George Michailidis, Vijayan N. Nair and Bowei Xi (2005)
426. ''Multiple Stochastic Fractional Integral Expansions for a Solution of the Zakai Type Equation" by Anna Amirdjanova and Sébastien Chivoret (2005)
425. ''Confidence Sets for Split Points in Decision Trees" by Moulinath Banerjee and Ian W. McKeague (2005)
424. ''Truncated Importance Sampling" by E. L. Ionides (2005)
423. ''Interaction Between Stock Indices Via Changepoint Analysis" by Martin J. Lenardon and Anna Amirdjanova (2005)
422. ''A Pseudo-Likelihood Method for Analyzing Interval Censored Data" by Bodhisattva Sen and Moulinath Banerjee (2005)
421. ''Estimation of Smooth Link Functions in Monotone Response Models" by Jayanta Kumar Pal and Moulinath Banerjee (2005)
420. ''Product Formula and Independence Criterion for Multiple Huang-Cambanis Integrals" by Sebastian Chivoret and Anna Amirdjanova (2005)
419. ''Large Deviation Principle for a Stochastic Navier-Stokes Equation in its Vorticity Form for a Two-Dimensional Incompressible Flow" by Anna Amirdjanova and Jie Xiong (2005)
418. ''Network Delay Tomography Using Flexicast Experiments" by Earl Lawrence, George Michailidis and Vijay N. Nair (2005)
417. ''Extreme (X-) Testing with Binary Data and Applications to Reliability Demonstration Plans" by David Mease and Vijay Nair (2005)
416. ''Optimal Full Matching and Related Designs via Network Flows" by Ben Hansen, Stephanie Olsen Klopfer (2005)
415. ''Large Sample Properties of Shape Restricted Regression Estimators with Smoothness Adjustments'' by Jayanta Kumar Pal and Michael Woodroofe (2005)
414. ''Likelihood Based Inference for Monotone Functions: Towards a General Theory'' by Moulinath Banerjee (2004)
413. ''A Kiefer Wolfowitz Comparison Theorem For Wicksell's Problem'' by Xiao Wang and Michael Woodroofe (2004)
412. ''On the distance between cumulative sum diagram and its greatest convex minorant for unequally spaced design points'' by Jayanta Kumar Pal and Michael Woodroofe (2004)
411. ''As Asymptotic Minimax Determination of the Initial Sample Size in a Two-Stage Sequential Procedure'' by Michael Woodroofe (2004)
410. ''Non-Parametric Bootstrap of Stationary Random Fields with Applications to Texture Synthesis'' by Elizaveta Levina and Peter J. Bickel (2004)
409. "Optimizing Behavioral Intervention Studies Using A Sequential Experimentation Strategy" by Linda M. Collins, Susan A. Murphy, Vijayan N. Nair and Victor J. Strecher (2004)
408. "Hazard Rates, Stochastic Ordering, and Optimal Partitioning of Distributions" by David Mease and Vijayan N. Nair (2004)
407. "Two-Level Hierarchical Linear Models with Missing Data" by Yongyun Shin and Stephen W. Raudenbush (2004)
406. "Asymptotic Theory for Multiple Linear Processes" by Wei Biao Wu and Michael Woodroofe (2003)
405. "Inference and Filtering for Partially Observed Diffusion Processes via Sequential Monte Carlo" by E. L. Ionides (2003)
404. "Some Theory for Fisher's Linear Discriminant Function, "naive Bayes", and Some Alternatives When There are Many More Variables Than Observations" by Peter J. Bickel and Elizaveta Levina (2003)
403. "An Experimental Design for the Development of Adaptive Treatment Strategies" by S. A. Murphy (2003)
402. "Likelihood Ratio Tests Under Local Alternatives in Regular Semiparametric Models" by Moulinath Banerjee (2003)
401. "Likelihood Ratio Tests Under Local and Fixed Alternatives in Nonregular Problems" by Moulinath Banerjee (2003)
400. "Testing for a Change in the Hazard Rate with Staggered Entry" by Dong-Yun Kim, Michael Woodroofe and Yanhong Wu (2003)
Technical Reports (300-397)
397. "Estimating Network Internal Losses Using A New Class of Probing Experiments" by Bowei Xi, George Michailidis and Vijayan N. Nair (2003)
396. "An F Test for Linear Models With Functional Responses" by Qing Shen and Julian Faraway (2003)
395. "Maximum Smoothed Likelihood Estimation" by E. L. Ionides (2003)
394. "Stochastic Models for Cell Motion and Taxis" by Edward L. Ionides, Kathy S. Fang, R. Rivkah Isseroff and George F. Oster (2003)
393. "Full Matching in an Observational Study of Coaching for the SAT" by Ben B. Hansen (2003)
392. "Selective Assembly in Manufacturing: Statistical Issues and Optimal Binning Strategies" by David Mease, Vijayan N. Nair and Agus Sudjianto (2002)
391. "A Penalized Maximum Likelihood Approach for the Ranking of College Football Teams" by David Mease (2002)
390. "Confidence Intervals for Current Status Data" by Moulinath Banerjee and Jon A. Wellner (2002)
389. "Detailed Wordlength Pattern of Regular Fractional Factorial Split-Plot Designs in Terms of Complementary Sets" by Derek R. Bingham and Rahul Mukerjee (2002)
388. "Optimal Designs for Model Selection" by Derek R. Bingham and Hugh A. Chipman (2002)
387. "Failure Amplification Method: An Information Maximization Approach to Categorical Response Optimization" by V. Roshan Joseph and C. F. Jeff Wu (2002)
386. "The Average Smile-Modeling Continuous Shape Change for Facial Animation" by Julian J. Faraway (2002)
385. ''A Diagnostic Plot for Estimating the Tail Index of a Distribution'' by George Michailidis and Bruno Sousa (2002)
384. ''Statistical Modeling of Reaching Motions Using Functional Regression with Endpoint Constraints'' by Julian Faraway (2002)
383. ''Modeling Hand Trajectories During Reaching Motions'' by Julian Faraway (2002)
382. ''Human Animation Using Nonparametric Regression'' by Julian Faraway (2002)
381. ''Robust Parameter Design of Control Systems'' by V. Roshan Joseph (2002)
380. ''Quality Loss Functions for Nonnegative Variables and Its Applications'' by V. Roshan Joseph (2001)
379. ''Dynamic Adaptive Control of a Class of Parallel and Distributed Processing Systems'' by Ying-Chao Hung and George Michailidis (2002)
378. ''Designing Efficient Simulations of Complex Stochastic Networks'' by Ying-Chao Hung and George Michailidis (2002)
377. ''Analysis of Functional Responses from Robust Design Studies with Location and Dispersion Effects'' by Vijayan N. Nair, Winson Taam and Kenny Q. Ye (2001)
376. ''Likelihood Ratio, Score, and Wald Statistics in Models with Monotone Functions: Some Comparisons'' by Moulinath Banerjee and Jon A. Wellner (2002) *REVISED September 2002*
375. ''Non-Linear Renewal Theory with Stationary Perturbations'' by Dong Yun Kim and Michael Woodroofe (2001)
374. ''A Smooth Response Surface Algorithm for Constructing Gene Regulatory Network'' by Hongquan Xu, Peiru Wu, C. F. J. Wu, Carl Tidwell and Yixin Wang (2001)
373. ''Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes'' by S. A. Murphy (2001 REVISED)
372. ''Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes'' by S. A. Murphy (2001)
371. ''Operating Window Experiments: A Novel Approach to Quality and Reliability Improvement'' by V. Roshan Joseph and C. F. J. Wu (2001)
370. ''Optimal Selection of Single Arrays for Parameter Design Experiments'' by C. F. J. Wu and Y. Zhu (2001)
369. ''One-Factor-At-A-Time Designs of Resolution V'' by Xianggui Qu and C. F. J. Wu (2001)
367. ''Edge Detection, Spatial Smoothing and Image Reconstruction with Partially Observed Multivariate Data'' by Sarat C. Dass and Vijayan N. Nair (2001)
366. ''Robust Parameter Design of Multiple Target Systems'' by V. Roshan Joseph and C. F. Jeff Wu (2001)
365. ''PIDEX: A Statistical Approach for Screening Differentially Expressed Genes Using Microarray Analysis'' by Nanxiang Ge, Fei Huang, Peter Shaw, C. F. Jeff Wu (2001)
364. ''Multivariate Nonparametric Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Charts Using Small Samples'' by Alexandra Kapatou and Marion R. Reynolds, Jr. (2001)
363. ''Clear Two-Factor Interactions and Minimum Aberration'' by Huaiqing Wu and C. F. J. Wu and (2000)
362. ''Local Score Tests in Mixture Exponential Family'' by Yanhong Wu and A. K. Gupta (2000)
361. ''Taguchi's Approach to On-Line Control Procedure'' by M. S. Srivastava and Yanhong Wu (2000)
360. ''Factor Screening and Response Surface Exploration'' by Shao-Wei Cheng and C. F. J. Wu (2000)
359. ''An Algorithm for Constructing Orthogonal and Nearly Orthogonal Arrays with Mixed Levels and small Runs'' by Hongquan Xu (2000)
358. "An Evolutionary Search Procedure of General Applicability, With Illustrative Experiments'' by P. Jeganathan (2000)
357. ''A Minimal Support Set Approach to Structure Discovery and Classification in Large Scale Genomics and Proteomics Databases'' by G. Michailidis and K. Shedden (2000)
356. ''Computationally-Intensive Methods for Quality Control and Screening in 2D-Gel Proteomics Data'' by K. Shedden, G. Michailidis and C. Zheng (2000)
355. ''Isotonic Regression: Another Look at the Change Point Problem'' by Wei Biao Wu, Michael Woodroofe and Graciela Mentz (2000)
354. ''Minimum Moment Aberration for Asymmetrical Fractional Factorial Designs'' by Hongquan Xu (2000)
353. ''Generalized Minimum Aberration for Asymmetrical Fractional Factorial Designs'' by Hongquan Xu and C. F. J. Wu (2000)
352. ''Idle Column Method: Construction, Properties and Comparisons'' by Longcheen Huwang, C. F. J. Wu and C. H. Yen (2000)
351. ''Methods for Identifying Dispersion Effects in Unreplicated Factorial Experiments: A Critical Analysis and Proposed Strategies'' by William A. Brenneman and Vijayan N. Nair (2000)
350. ''Central Limit Theorems for Functionals of Linear Processes and Their Applications'' by Wei Biao Wu (2000)
349. ''Iterated Function Systems. Part I. Stationarity and Path Properties'' by Wei Biao Wu (2000)
348. ''Asymptotic Normality of Kernel Density Estimate Under Dependence: Blocking Method Revisited'' by Jan Mielniczuk and Wei Biao Wu (2000)
347. ''Choice of Optimal Blocking Schemes in Two-Level and Three-Level Designs'' by Shao-Wei Cheng and C. F. Jeff Wu (1999)
346. ''Asymptotic Normality of Kernel Density Estimates for Linear Processes Under Long- and Short-Range Dependence'' by Jan Mielniczuk and Wei Biao Wu (1999)
345. ''Optimal Contingent Claims'' by Andrius Jankunas (1999)
344. ''On the Simultaneous Confidence Region of a Curve'' by Yao Wang (1999)
343. ''The Problem of Low Counts in a Signal Plus Noise Model'' by Michael Woodroofe and Hsiuying Wang (1999)
342. ''On the Consistency of Bayes Factors for Testing Point Null versus Nonparametric Alternatives'' by Sarat C. Dass and Jaeyong Lee (1999)
341. ''Derivation, Solution and Application of a Partial Differential Equation for 2l-n Design with Multiple Groups of Factors'' by Yu Zhu (1999)
340. ''A Central Limit Theorem for Iterated Random Functions'' by Wei Biao Wu and Michael Woodroofe (1999)
339. ''Equivalence of Julesz and Gibbs Texture Ensembles'' by Ying Nian Wu, Song Chun Zhu and Xiuwen Liu (1999)
338. ''Sequential Confidence Intervals for a Population Size with Fixed Proportional Accuracy'' by Ki Heon Choi, Ruby C. Weng and Michael Woodroofe (1999)
337. ''Propriety of Intrinsic Priors in Invariant Testing Situations'' by Sarat C. Dass [Revised] (1999)
336. ''Unified Bayesian and Conditional Frequentist Testing for Discrete Distributions'' by Sarat C. Dass (1999)
335. ''Unified Bayesian and Conditional Frequentist Testing of Composite Hypotheses'' by Sarat C. Dass and James O. Berger [Revised] (1998)
334. ''Optimal Design of Experiments for Modeling Processes with Feedback Control Variables'' by Li-an Xu and Vijayan N. Nair (1999)
333. ''Process Improvement Through the Analysis of Spatially Clustered Defects on Wafer Maps'' by Mark H. Hansen, Vijayan N. Nair and David J. Friedman (1999)
332. ''Finding Defining Generators with Extreme Lengths'' by Shaowei Cheng, C. F. J. Wu and Huaiqing Wu (1999)
331. ''Equivalence of Ensembles and Fundamental Bounds – A Unified Theory of Texture Modeling and Analysis'' by Ying Nian Wu and Song Chun Zhu (1999)
330. ''Exploring Texture Ensembles by Efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo – A Conclusion to the Julesz Quest?'' by Song-Chun Zhu, Xiuwen Liu, Ying Nian Wu (1999)
329. ''Bayesian Inference in Neural Networks'' by Robert L. Paige and Ronald W. Butler (1999)
328. ''The Performance of Tuple Difference Coding for Compressing Databases and Data Warehouses'' by Wei-Biao Wu and Chinya V. Ravishankar (1999)
327. ''Improved Probability Method for Estimating Signal in the Presence of Background'' by Byron P. Roe and Michael B. Woodroofe (1999)
326. ''Isotonic Estimation for Grouped Data'' by Michael Woodroofe and Rong Zhang (1998)
325. ''Random Graphs and the Strong Convergence of Bootstrap Means'' by Sándor Csörgo and Wei Biao Wu (1998)
324. ''Polynomial Estimation of Eigenvalues'' by Debra L. Hydorn and Robb J. Muirhead (1998)
323. ''Almost Sure Limit Theorems for the St. Petersburg Game'' by István Berkes, Endre Csáki and Sándor Csörgo (1998)
322. ''Variance Estimation in Monotone Regression'' by Mary Meyer and Michael Woodroofe (1998)
321. ''Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Related Measures in Parameter Design'' by Julie Bérubé and Jeff Wu (1998)
320. ''On the Strong Convergence of a Weighted Sum'' by Wei Biao Wu (1998)
319. ''On a Generalization of the Standard Poisson Distribution'' by Wei Biao Wu (1998)
318. ''Integrable Expansions for Posterior Distributions for Multiparameter Exponential Families with Applications to Sequential Confidence Levels'' by Ruby C. Weng and Michael Woodroofe (1998)
317. ''Optimal Blocking of Two-Level Fractional Factorial Designs'' by Runchu Zhang and DongKwon Park (1998)
316. ''The Smoothing Dichotomy in Random-Design Regression with Long-Memory Errors Based on Moving Averages'' by Sándor Csörgo and Jan Mielniczuk (1998)
315. ''Testing for the Partial Proportional Hazards Model of Random Censorship'' by Sándor Csörgo (1998)
314. ''A Bayesian Cosecant Optimality Criteria For Super-Saturated Screening Designs'' by Daniel Coleman, Yousceek Jeong and Robert W. Keener (1998)
313. ''A Note on Broken Sample Problem'' by Ying Nian Wu (1998)
312. ''Estimating the Tail Index'' by Sándor Csörgo and Laszlo Viharos (1998)
311. ''Cumulative Monte Carlo EM'' by Steven Kou, Chuanhai Liu and Ying Nian Wu (1998)
310. ''A Martingale Approach to the Modigliani-Miller Theorem'' by S. G. Kou (1998)
309. ''Central Limit Theorems for Additive Functionals of Markov Chains'' by Michael Maxwell and Michael Woodroofe (1999). Revision.
309. ''Central Limit Theorems for Additive Functionals of Markov Chains'' by Michael Maxwell and Michael Woodroofe (1998)
308. ''On the Structure of Orthogonal Latin Hypercubes'' by Qian Ye (1998)
307. ''Hedging American Contingent Claims With Constrained Portfolios'' by Ioannis Karatzas and S. G. Kou (1997)
306. ''A Note on Arbitrage in Imperfect Markets'' by Steven Kou (1997)
305. ''Orthogonal Latin Hypercubes and Their Application in Computer Experiments'' by Qian Ye (1997)
304. ''Connecting Discrete and Continuous Path-Dependent Options'' by Mark Broadie, Paul Glasserman, S. G. Kou (1997)
303. ''Computing Maximum Likelihood Estimators by Roots of Polynomials'' by S. G. Kou (1997)
302. ''Software Reliability Assessment Using Accelerated Testing Methods'' by Willa K. Ehrlich, Vijayan N. Nair, M. S. Alam, W. H. Chen, Mark Engel (1997)
301. ''Three Hungarian Papers'' by Sándor Csörgo and Zoltan Megyesi (1997)
300. ''Renyi-Mixing of Occupation Times'' by Sándor Csörgo (1997)
Technical Reports (200-299)
299. ''Renyi-Mixing in the Generalized Arc-Sine Law'' by Sándor Csörgo (1997)
298. ''On Renyi Confidence Bands'' by Sándor Csörgo and Zoltan Megyesi (1997)
297. ''Nicolaus Bernoulli (1687-1759)'' by Sándor Csörgo (1997)
296. ''Parameter Expansion Scheme for Data Augmentation'' by Jun S. Liu and Ying Nian Wu (1997)
295. ''Analysis of Misclassified Ordinal Data From Factorial Experiments'' by Xiaolin Gu and Michael Hamada (1997)
294. ''Testing Uniformity versus a Monotone Density'' by Michael Woodroofe and Jiayang Sun (1997)
293. ''Minimum Aberration Designs for Mixed Factorials in Terms of Complementary Sets'' by Rahul Mukerjee and C. F. J. Wu (1997)
292. ''Parameter Design with Monotone Loss Functions'' by Xiaoli Hou (1997)
291. ''Dynamic Histogram - A New Concept in Designing Control Charts'' by Jinzhong Liao and Wei-Wang Chen (1997)
290. ''Blocking in Regular Fractional Factorials: A Projective Geometric Approach'' by Rahul Mukerjee and C. F. J. Wu (1997)
289. ''Tail Probability Approximations for U-Statistics'' by Robert W. Keener, John Robinson and Neville C. Weber (1997)
288. ''On the Determination of Robust Settings in Parameter Design Experiments'' by Xiaoli Hou and F. J. Wu (1997)
287. ''Approximate Bias Calculations for Sequentially Designed Experiments'' by D. S. Coad and M. B. Woodroofe (1997)
286. ''Corrected Confidence Sets for Sequentially Designed Experiments, II: Examples'' by Michael Woodroofe and D. Stephen Coad (1997)
285. ''Bounds for Hazard Gradients and Rates in the Competing Risks Set Up'' by S. R. Karia and J. V. Deshpande (1997)
284. ''Exploiting the Inherent Structure in Robust Parameter Design Experiments'' by J.Bérubé and V. N. Nair (1997)
283. "On the Conceptual Basis in Modeling and Inference" by P. Jeganathan (1997)
282. "A Graphical Method of Exploring the Mean Structure in Longitudinal Data Analysis" by Julian J. Faraway (1997)
281. "Analyzing Unreplicated Factorial Experiments: A Review with Some New Proposals" by M. Hamada and N. Balakrishnan (1997)
280. "Exact Measurement System Assessment via Generalized Inference" by Michael Hamada and Sam Weerahandi (1996)
279. "Testing Uniformity Versus a Monotone Density" by Michael B. Woodroofe and Jiayang Sun (1996)
278. "Optimal Exact Designs on a Circle or a Circular Arc" by H. Wu (1996)
277. "On Asymptotic Inference in Cointegrated Time Series with Fractionally Integrated Errors" by P. Jeganathan (1996)
276. "Sequential Fixed-Precision Estimation in Stochastic Linear Regression and Errors-In-Variables Models" by Sujay Datta (1996)
275. "The Paradoxical Nature of the Proportional Hazards Model of Random Censorship" by Sándor Csörgo and Julian J. Faraway (1996)
274. "On Asymptotic Inference in Linear Cointegrated Time Series Systems" by P. Jeganathan (1996) (***July, Revised in August - 1996***)
273. "On Estimating the Dimensionality in Canonical Correlation Analysis" by Brenda K. Gunderson and Robb J. Muirhead (1996)
272. "Efficiency and Robustness of Discrete Proportional-Integral Control Schemes" by Fugee Tsung, Huaiqing Wu and Vijayan N. Nair (1996)
271. "An Integrated Method of Parameter Design and Tolerance Design" by W. W. Li and C. F. J. Wu (1996)
270. "Some Identities on qn-m Designs with Application to Minimum Aberration Designs" by Chung-yi Suen, Hegang Chen and C. F. J. Wu (1996)
269. "Asymptotic Normality of Least Squares Estimators of Tail Indices" by S. Csorgo and Laszlo Viharos (1996)
268. "Monitoring Wafer Map Data from Integrated Circuit Fabrication Processes for Spatially Clustered Defects" by M. Hansen, V. Nair, D. Friedman (1996)
267. "Smoothing Spline Density Estimation. Response-Based Sampling" by Chong Gu (1996)
266. "Structural Reading and Evolution of the Indus Script Viewed as a Complex System. II. Evolution and Relation to the Brahmi Script'' by P. Jeganathan (1995)
265. "Structural Reading and Evolution of the Indus Script Viewed as a Complex System I: Metrological Reading" by P. Jeganathan (1995)
264. "Optimal Blocking Schemes for 2n and 2n-p Designs" by D. X, Sun, C. F, Jeff Wu, and Y, Y, Chen (1995)
263. "Regression Analysis for a Functional Response" by Julian J, Faraway,(1995)
262. "Model-Free Estimation of Some Yield Metrics in Integrated Circuit Fabrication" by D. J. Friedman, M. H. Hansen, V. N. Nair and D. James (1995)
261. "Projection Pursuit" by Jiayang Sun (1995)
260. "Confidence Bands in Generalized Linear Models" by J. Sun, C. Loader, W. McCormick (1995)
259. "Data Splitting Strategies for Reducing the Effect of Model Selection on Inference" by Julian J. Faraway (1995)
258. "An Asymptotic Theory of Sequential Designs Based on Maximum Likelihood Recursions" by Zhiliang Ying and C. F. Jeff Wu (1995)
257. "A Nonlinear Parking Problem" by Robert Keener, Hans Rudolf Lerche, and Michael Woodroofe (1995)
256. "Universal Gaussian Approximations Under Random Censorship" by Sándor Csörgo (1995)
255. "The Destination and Rates of Convergence of Penalized Likelihood Estimate When the Model is Wrong" by Chong Gu (1995)
254. "Inference for Finite Mixture Models Using Data Augmentations and Applications" by B. Tang, V. Nair (1995)
253. "Robust Design with Dynamic Characteristics: A Graphical Approach to Identifying Suitable Measures of Dispersion" by M. Lunani, V. Nair and G. S. Wasserman (1995)
252. "Columnwise-Pairwise Algorithms With Applications to the Construction of Supersaturated Designs" by William W. Li and C. F. Jeff Wu (1995)
251. "Parameter Design for Signal-Response Systems" by Arden Miller and C. F. Jeff Wu (1995)
250. "Corrected Confidence Intervals After Sequential Testing With Applications to Survival Analysis" by D. Stephen Coad and Michael B. Woodroofe (1995)
249. "Corrected Confidence Sets for Sequentially Designed Experiments" by Michael Woodroofe and D. Stephen Coad (1995)
248. "Random-Design Regression Under Long-Range Dependent Errors" by Sándor Csörgo and Jan Mielniczuk (1995)
247. "Two-Stage Design of Quantal Response Studies" by R. R. Sitter and C. F. Jeff Wu (1995)
246. "On Asymptotic Inference in Linear Cointegrated Time Series Systems" by P. Jeganathan (1995)
245. "Characterization of Minimum Aberration 2n-k Designs in Terms of Their Complementary Designs" by C. F. Jeff Wu and Boxin Tang (1995)
244. "Harom Magyar Dolgozat" by Sándor Csörgo and Gordon Simons (1995)
243. "Asymptotic Theory of Linear Statistics in Sampling Proportional to Size Without Replacement" by V. N. Nair and P. J. Bickel (1995)
242. "A Statistical Comparison of Random and Partition Software Testing Strategies" by V. N. Nair, D. A. James, W. K. Ehrlich and J. Zevalos (1995)
241. "Robustness of Tube Formula Based Confidence Bands" by Jiayang Sun and Clive Loader (1994)
240. "Semi-Parametric Estimates Under Biased Sampling" by Jiayang Sun and Michael Woodroofe (1994)
239. "Simultaneous Confidence Bands for Growth and Response Curves" by Jiayang Sun, Jonathan Raz, and Julian J. Faraway (1994)
238. "A Nonlinear Parking Problem" by Michael Woodroofe, Robert Keener and Hans Lerche (1994)
237. "Close Short-Range Dependent Sums and Regression Estimation" by Sándor Csörgo and Jan Mielniczuk (1994)
236. "Optimal Allocation for Estimating the Mean of a Bivariate Polynomial" by Janis Hardwick and Quentin Stout (1994)
235. "On Asymptotic Inference in AR and Cointegrated Models with Unit Roots and Heavy Tailed Errors" by P. Jeganathan (1994)
234. "On the Estimation of a Normal Variance" by Sándor Csörgo and Julian J. Faraway (1994)
233. "Precision Calculation of Distributions for Trimmed Sums" by Sándor Csörgo and Gordon Simons (1994)
232. "A Strong Law of Large Numbers for Trimmed Sums, with Applications to Generalized St. Petersbury Games" by Sándor Csörgo and Gordon Simons (1994)
231. "Intermediate St. Petersburg Sums" by Sándor Csörgo and Rossitza Dodunekova (1994)
230. "The Domain of Partial Attraction of an Infinitely Divisible Law without a Normal Component" by Sándor Csörgo and Rossitza Dodunekova (1994)
229. "An Approximation to Infinitely Divisible Laws" by Sándor Csörgo (1994)
228. "The Empirical Process of a Short-Range Dependent Stationary Sequence under Gaussian Subordination" by Sándor Csörgo and Jan Mielnicquk (1994)
227. "Improving a Measurement System through Designed Experiments'' by Arden Miller and C. F. J. Wu (1994)
226. "Some Aspects of Asymptotic Theory With Applications to Time Series Models" (Revised Tech Report #166) by P. Jeganathan (1994)
225. "Iterative Estimates for a Smoothing Paramater" by Jiayang Sun (1994)
224. "The Exact and Asymptotic Distributions of Watson's Cramer - von Mises Statistic" by Sándor Csörgo and Julian J. Faraway (1994)
223. "The Exact and Asymptotic Distributions of the Cramer - von Mises Statistic" by Sándor Csörgo and Julian J. Faraway (1994)
222. "Cost-Driven Parameter Design" by P. R. Moorhead and C. F. J. Wu (1994)
221. "On the Asymptotic Normality of Hill's Estimator'' by Sándor Csörgo and Laszlo Viharos (1993)
220. "On The Structural Reading and The Evolution Of The Indus Script" by P. Jeganathan (1993)
219. "Distant Long-Range Dependent Sums and Regression Estimation" by Sándor Csörgo and Jan Mielniczuk (1993)
218. "Simultaneous Confidence Bands for Linear Regression with Heteroscedastic Errors" by Julian J. Faraway and Jiayang Sun (1993)
217. "On Stein's Estimator of a Normal Variance" by Sándor Csörgo and Julian J. Faraway (1993)
216. "Adaptive Smoothing for A Penalized NPMLE of a Non-Increasing Density" by Michael Woodroofe and Jiayang Sun (1993)
215. "A Uniform Renewal Theorem" by Mei Wang and Michael Woodroofe (1993)
214. "On Steinhaus' Resolution of the St. Petersburg Paradox" by Sándor Csörgo and Gordon Simons (1993)
213. "Extreme Values of Derivatives of Smoothed Fractional Brownian Motions" by Sándor Csörgo and Jan Mielniczuk (1993)
212. "Nonparametric Regression under Long-Range Dependent Normal Errors" by Sándor Csörgo and Jan Mielniczuk (1993)
211. "Density Estimation under Long-Range Dependence" by Sándor Csörgo and Jan Mielniczuk (1992)
210. "Quantile Constructions for Khinchin's and Pruitts' Theorems and for Doeblin's Universals Laws" by S Sándor Csörgo and Vilmos Totik (1992)
209. "A Rate of Convergence for Coupon Collectors" by Sándor Csörgo (1992)
208. "Intermediate Sums and Stochastic Compactness of Maxima" by Sándor Csörgo and David M. Mason (1992)
207. "The Asymptotic Distribution of Intermediate Sums" by Sándor Csörgo and David Mason (1992)
206. "Isotonic Smoothing Splines under Sequential Designs" by Michael B. Woodroofe and Chim Tantiyaswaskikul (1992)
205. "Order and Influence in Regression Strategy" by Julian J. Faraway. (1992)
204. "Sums and Maxima of Discrete Stationary Processes" by W. P. McCormick (The University of Georgia) and Jiayang Sun (1992)
203. "Bayesian Analysis for the Poly-Weibull Distribution" by James 0. Berger (Purdue) and Dongchu Sun (1991)
202. "A Penalized Maximum Likelihood Estimate of f(O+) When f Is Non Increasing" by Michael Woodroofe and Jiayang Sun (1991)
201. "Recent Developments in Bayesian Sequential Reliability Demonstration Testing" by Dongchu Sun and James 0. Berger (Purdue University). (1991)
200. "Convergence Theorems for a Class of Simulated Annealing Algorithms on " by Claude Belisle (l991)
Technical Reports (100-199)
199. "On the Cost of Data Analysis" by Julian J. Faraway. (1991)
198. "Simultaneous Confidence Bands for Linear Regression and Smoothing by Jiayang Sun and Clive R. Loader (AT&T Bell Laboratories) (1991)
197. "Estimation After Sequential Testing: A Simple Approach For A Truncated SPRT" by Michael Woodroofe (1991)
196. "A Uniformly Recurrent Linear Time Hit-and-Run Algorithm" by Claude J. P. Belisle, Arnon Boneh and Richard J. Caron (1990)
195. "Efficient Robust Estimates of Euclidean Parameters in Exponential Mixture Models" by Colin Wu (1990)
194. "Efficient Estimates on a Class of Multivariate Random Truncation Models" by Colin Wu (1990)
193. "Nonlinear Markov Renewal Theory With Statistical Applications" by Vincent F. Melfi (1990)
192. "Hide-and-Seek: A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Global Optimization" by Claude J. P. Belisle, H. Edwin Romeijn, and Robert L. Smith (1990)
191. "On the Law of Large Numbers for the Bootstrap Mean" by Sándor Csörgo (1990)
190. "Infinitely Divisible Laws Partially Attracted to a Poisson Law" by Sándor Csörgo (1990)
189. "The Domain of Partial Attraction of a Poisson Law" by Sándor Csörgo (1990)
188. "Confidence Bands for Percentile Residual Lifetimes" by Sándor Csörgo (1990)
187. "Integrable Expansions for Posterior Distributions for One Parameter Exponential Families" by Michael B. Woodroofe (1990)
186. "A Local Limit Theorem for Perturbed Random Walks" by Mei Wang (1990)
185. "Adaptive Allocation in Clinical Trials: The Ecmo Controversy" by Janis Hardwick (1990)
184. "New Researchers' Survival Guide; IMS New Researchers Committee" by J. Hardwick, D. Banks, N. Altman, D. Duffy, C. Leger, A. Owen, T. Toukel, J. Sconing, S. Miller and P. Y. Chen (l990)
183. "A Martingale Proof of Normality for Wei's Biased Coin Design" by Jeffrey Eisele and Michael Woodroofe (1990)
182. "Nonparametric Bayes Estimation of a distribution function with truncated data" by Mauro Gasparini (1990)
181. "Tail Probability of Maxima of Gaussian Random Fields" by Jiayang Sun (1990)
180. "Winding Angle and Maximum Winding Angle of the Two Dimensional Random Walk" by Claude Belisle and Julian Faraway (1990)
179. "P Values in Exploratory Projection Pursuit" by Jiayang Sun (1990)
178. "Some Practical Aspects in Projection Pursuit" by Jiayang Sun (1990)
177. "Sequential Design for the Nonparametric Regression of Curves and Surfaces" by Julian J. Faraway (1990)
176. "Hit-and-Run Algorithms for Generating, Multivariate Distributions" by Claude J. P. Belisle, H. Eswin Romeijn, and Robert L. Smith (l990)
175. "One-Armed Bandit Problems with Covariates" by Jyotirmoy Sarkar (1989)
174. "Sequential Design For Nonparametric Regression" by Julian J. Faraway and Edward D. Rothman (1989)
173. "Minimax Bayes Estimation in Nonparametric Regression" by Nancy Heckman and Michael Woodroofe (1989)
172. "Central Limit Theory For Functions of a Simple Bernoulli Shift Process" by Michael Woodroofe (1989)
171. "On Stopping Times and Stochastic Monotonicity" by Michael Woodroofe (1989)
170. "A Central Limit Theorem for Stationary Marked Poisson Point Processes" by Robert W. Keener (1989)
169. "An Adaptive Biased Coin Design For The Behrens-Fisher Problem" by Jeffrey R. Eisele (1989) (REVISED - September 1990)
168. "Odd Central Moments of Unimodal Distributions" by Claude Belisle (1989)
167. "The Modified Bandit: An Approach to Ethical Allocation in Clinical Trials" by Janis Hardwick (1989)
166. "Some Aspects of Asymptotic Theory with Applications to Time Series Models" by P. Jeganathan (1988)
165. "A Note on the Kallianpur-Robbins Laws for Occupation Times" by Claude J. P. Belisle (1988)
164. "The Role of Renewal Theory in Sequential Analysis" by Michael Woodroofe (1988)
163. "Sequential Allocation Estimation Problem with Ethical Costs" by Michael Woodroofe and Janis Hardwick (1988)
162. "The Role of Renewal Theory in Sequential Analysis" by Michael Woodroofe (1988)
161. "A Local Limit Theorem for Sums of Dependent Random Variables" by Mei Wang and Michael Woodroofe (1988)
160. "On the Non-Linear Renewal Theorem" by Michael Woodroofe (1988, r. 1989)
159. "Variable Kernel Estimates of Density" by Julian J. Faraway and Myoungshic Jhun (1988)
158. "On Inequalities for Probabilities of Large Deviations of Estimators in Nonlinear Regression Models" by P. Jeganathan (1988)
157. "Bootstrap Choice of Bandwidth for Density Estimation" by Julian Faraway and Myoungshic Jhun (1987)
156. "Very Weak Expansions for Sequentially Designed Experiments in Linear Models" by Michael B. Woodroofe (1987)
155. "Inference after Trimming Multivariate Data with a Wilks' Outlier Statistic'' by Ronald W. Butler and Myoungshic Jhun (1987)
154. "Estimation of the Covariance Matrix of the Least Squares Regression Coefficients when the Disturbance Covariance Matrix is of Unknown Form" by R.W. Keener, J. Kmenta, and N.C. Weber (1987)
153. "Asymptotically Local Minimax Sequential Point Estimation" by Mohamed Tahir (1987)
152. "Windings of Planar Random Walks Sampled at the Origin" by Claude J.P. Belisle (1987)
151. "Corrected Confidence Levels for Adaptively Designed Experiments" by Michael B. Woodroofe (1987)
150. "On The Asymptotic Behavior of Least Squares Estimators in AR Time Series with Roots Near the Unit Circle. Part I: Representation of the Limiting Distribution. Part II: Likelihood of the Sample and Strong Approximations of Distributions" by P. Jeganathan (1987)
149. "Windings of Planar Random Walks" by Claude J. P. Belisle (1987)
148. "Approximate Pivots for Prediction" by Ronald W. Butler (1986)
147. "Asymptotic Expansions for First Passage Times" by Michael B. Woodroofe (1986)
146. "A Likely Answer to 'What is the Likelihood Function?"' by Ronald W. Butler (1986)
145. "Fixed Proportional Accuracy in Three Stages" by Michael B. Woodroofe (1986)
144. "On the Strong Gaussian Approximation of The Distributions of Estimators in Linear Stochastic Models I: Autoregressive Model" by P. Jeganathan (1986)
143. "Asymptotic Optimal Sequential Point Estimation in Three Stages" by Michael B. Woodroofe (1986)
142. "A Note on the Renewal Measure for Gaussian Sequences" by Fima C. Klebaner (1985)
141. "Very Weak Expansions for Sequential Confidence Levels" by Michael Woodroofe (1985)
140. "Geometric Rate of Growth in Markov Chains with an Application to a Population Growth Model" by Fima Klebaner (1985)
139. "On the Asymptotic Comparisons of Estimates of Location, Scatter and Regression Parameters" by P. Jeganathan (1985)
138. "Asymptotic Expansions in Boundary Crossing" by Michael Woodroofe and Robert Keener (1985)
137. "A Note on the Bootstrap Procedure for Testing Linear Hypotheses" by Myoungshic Jhun (1985)
136. "Bootstrap Confidence Cones for Directional Data" by Myoungshic Jhun (1985)
135. "Bootstrapping k-Means Clustering" by Myoungshic Jhun (1985)
134. "Bootstrapping Density Estimates" by Myoungshic Jhun (1985)
133. "Comparison of Distributions for Testing Clusters" by Myoungshic Jhun (1985)
132. "Confidence Intervals with Fixed Proportional Accuracy" by Michael Woodroofe (1985)
131. "Some Results on Population-Size-Dependent Branchinq Processes and Stochastic Difference Equations" by Fima Klebaner (1985)
130. "Asymptotic Optimality in Sequential Interval Estimation" by Michael Woodroofe (1985)
129. "Bayesian Inference in Finite Populations" by William A. Ericson (1985)
128. "Very Weak Expansion for Sequential Confidence Levels" by Michael Woodroofe (1984)
127. "Large Sample Theory in Rank-Censored Data Models" by Robert W. Keener (1984)
126. "Asymptotic Local Minimaxity in Sequential Point Estimation" by Michael Woodroofe (1984)
125. "" by Robert W. Keener (e. 1984)
124. "Further Contributions to the 'Two-Armed Bandit' Problem" by Robert W. Keener (1984)
123. "Expansions for-Posterior Moments with Applications in Sequential P Analysis" by Mohamed-el-hadi Rehailia (1983)
122. "Response Bias and Error in Sampling Finite Populations" by William A. Ericson (1983)
121. "Survey Sampling-Modelling, Randomization, and Robustness: A Subjective Bayesian Approach" by William A. Ericson (1983)
120. "A Bayesian Approach to Regression Estimation in Finite Populations" by William A. Ericson (1983)
119. "Estimating a Distribution Function with Incomplete Data" by Michael Woodroofe (e. 1983)
118. "Conglomerability and Countable Additivity" by Bruce M. Hill and David Lane (1983)
117. "Non Parametric Estimation with Missinq Data" by Michael Woodroofe (1982)
116. "Likelihood Ratio Tests with Ranks" by Michael Woodroofe (1982)
115. "Two Treatment Comparison with Random Allocation Rule" by Nancy Elizabeth Heckman (1982)
114. "On Sequential Rank Tests" by Michael Woodroofe (1982)
113. "Conglomerability for Distributions that are Only Finitely Additive" by Bruce M. Hill (1982)
112. "" by Robert W. Keener (e. 1981 - 1982)
111. "On Model Selection and the Arc Sine Laws" by Michael Woodroofe (1981)
110. "Minimax Estimation of a Distribution Function for Finite Population Sampling" by Michael P. Cohen and Lynn Kuo (1981)
109. "" by Michael Woodroofe (1976, r. 1981)
108. "Bayesian Analysis of Survival Curves for Cancer Patients Following Treatment" by Wen-Chen Chen, Bruce M. Hill, Joel B. Greenhouse, and Juan V. Fayos (1977, r. 1981)
107. "The Cramer-Rao Inequality Holds Almost Everywhere" by Michael Woodroofe, and Gordon Simons (e. 1981)
106. "Nonlinear Renewal Theory in Sequential Analysis" by Michael Woodroofe (e. 1981)
105. "Empirical Bayes Estimation of the Mean of a Normal Distribution with Convex Loss" by Michael Woodroofe (1981)
104. "A Factor Analysis Approach to Round Robin Designs" by George Y. Wong (1981)
103. "Estimating Linear Effects of a General Mixed Model " by George Y. Wong (1981 )
102. "Round Robin Analysis of Variance Via Maximum Likelihood" by George Y. Wong (1981)
101. "Bayesian Bio-Assay Design" by Lynn Kuo (e. 1980 - 1981 )
100. "Nonlinear Renewal Theory in Sequential Analysis" by Michael Woodroofe (e. 1980 - 1981)
Technical Reports (1-99)
99. "Estimation from a Bose-Einstein Sample" by Norman Starr (e. 1980 - 1981 )
98. "Critical Branching Diffusions: Proper Normalization and Conditioned Limit" by H. Hering and Fred M. Hoppe (e. 1980 - 1981)
97. "Asymptotically Optimal Tests for Violations of the Linearity Assumption in the General Linear Model" by Thomas Hannnerstrom (1980)
96. "Computations of Mixtures of Dirichlet Processes" by Lynn Kuo (1980)
95. "Asymptotic Expansions in Nonlinear Renewal Theory" by Hajime Takahashi and Michael Woodroofe (e. 1980)
94. "Comparing Wedge Shaped Sequential Sampling Plans with Nearly Bayesian Plans" by Toni Tai and Michael Woodroofe (1980)
93. "Gamma-Minimax Procedure for Selecting Populations Close to a Control" by Ping Hsiao (e. 1979)
92. "Convergence to a Stable Distribution a New Approach" by Roul Lepage, Michael Woodroofe and Joel Zinn (3. 1979)
91. "Statistical Inference for the Linear Effects of a Mixed Model with Two Variance Components" by Georqe Y. Wong (e. 1979)
90. "On the Bayes Risk Incurred by Using Asymptotic Shapes" by Michael Woodroofe (e. 1979)
89. "Sequential Allocation with Covariates" by Michael Woodroofe (e; 1979)
88. "Analytical Methods for Discrete Branching Processes" by Fred M. Hoppe and E. Seneta (1979)
87. "Two Models for Mixed Effects ANOVA with Correlated Random Effects" by Thomas Hammerstrom and Edward D. Rothman (1979)
86. "Asymptotically Optimal Tests for Heteroscedasticity in the General Linear Model" by Thomas Hammerstrom (1979)
85. "Necessary-and Sufficient Lifetime Conditions for Normed Convergence of Critical Age-Dependent Processes with Infinite Variance" by Martin I. Goldstein and Fred M. Hoppe (1978)
84. "Rate of Convergence in a Non-Linear Renewal Theorem" by Hajime Takahashi (1978)
83. "Repeated Likelihood Ratio Tests" by Michael Woodroofe (1978)
82. "Bayesian Analysis of Survival Curves for Cancer Patients Following Treatment" by Wen-Chen Chen, Juan V. Fayos, Bruce M. Hill (1977)
81. "Approximations to Bayesian Sequential Tests of Composite Hypotheses" by Robert Fortus (1978)
80. "Posterior Moments of the Number of Species in a Finite Population, and the Posterior Probability of Finding a New Species" by Bruce M. Hill (1977)
79. "Robust Analysis of the Random Model and Weighted Least Squares Regression" by Bruce M. Hill (1977, r. 1978)
78. "A One-Arm Bandit Problem with a Concomitant Variable" by Michael Woodroofe (e. 1977)
77. "Optimal Stopping in an Urn" by Wen-Chen Chen and Norman Starr (1977)
76. "Large Deviations of Likelihood Ratio Statistics with Application to Sequential Testing" by Michael Woodroofe (1976, r. 1977)
75. "Linear Estimates of the Probability We Will Discover a New Species" by Norman Starr (1977)
74. "Comment on 'Cubic Splines as a Special Case of Restricted Least Squares" by Paul D. Sampson (1977)
73. "Optimal and Adaptive Stopping in the Search for New Species" by Shelley Bartold and Norman Starr (1977)
72. "Using Sample Survey Weights to Test for Misspecification in a Linear Regression Model" by William H. DuMouchel and Greg J. Duncan (1976)
71. "Optimal Sampling Designs for Estimation of Kinetic Parameters from Reactions Exhibiting Michaelis-Menton Kinetics" by Edward D. Rothman and Peter E. Smouse (1976)
70. "A Study of the Effects of Truncation in Bivariate Normal Distribution" by A. K. Gupta and D. S. Tracy (1976)
69. "Nonparametric Two-Way Classification with Generalization U-Statistic" by A. K. Gupta and Bock Ki Kim (1976)
68. "Asymptotic Distribution of the Sample Roots for a Nonnormal Population" by Christine M. Waternaux (1976)
67. "On the Analogy Between Linear and Log-Linear Regression" by William H. DuMouchel (1976)
66. "Minimax Bayes Set and Point Estimators of a Multivariate Normal Mean" by Ray Edwin Faith (1976)
65. "Evolution and Fine-Grained Environmental Runs" by Alan R. Templeton and Edward D. Rothman (1976)
64. "On the Expansion of Bivariate Gamma Distribution" by A. K. Gupta (1975)
63. "Asymptotically Efficient, Computationally Feasible Solutions to the Classification Problem" by Louis Gordon and Richard A. Olshen (1975)
62. "Estimating a Mean from Delayed Observations" by Norman Starr, Robert Wardrop, and Michael Woodroofe (1975)
61. "An Invariance Criterion for Estimators in Finite Populations" by V. M. Joshi (1975)
60. "Estimation of the Scale Parameter of the Exponential Distribution Using Prior Information" by A. K. Gupta and A. P. Basu (1975)
59. "On a Distribution-Free Discriminant Analysis" by A. K. Gupta and Bock Ki Kim (e. 1975)
58. "A Limit Theorem with Applications to Sequential Points and Interval Estimation" by Michael Woodroofe (1975)
57. "Cross-Validation Choice of Weights for Inter and Intrablock Estimation in Balanced Incomplete Block Designs" by Louis Jensen and Mervyn Stone (e. 1975)
56. "Predictive intervals Based on Reuse of the Sample" by R. Butler and Edward D. Rothman (1975)
55. "Sequential Tests" by Michael Woodroofe (1975)
54. "A Concise Proof of a Theorem on Products of Power Sums" by Paul S. Dwyer, N. N. Mikhail, and D. S. Tracy (1974)
53. "Estimation of the Derivative of a Density and a Related Regression Curve" by Bock Ki Kim and J. Van Ryzin (1974)
52. "Uniform Consistency of a Histogram Density Estimator and Modal Estimation" by Bock Ki Kim and J. Van Ryzin (1974)
51. "On the Distributions of Claims Costs" by William H. DuMouchel and Richard A. Olshen (1974)
50. "A Renewal Theorem for Gurved Boundaries and Moments of First Passage Times" by Michael Woodroofe (1974)
49. "On the Limiting Form of Stable Distributions when the Characteristic Exponent Approaches O" by William H. DuMouchel (1974)
48. "On the Distribution of Sphericity Test Criterion in the Multivariate Gaussian Distribution" by A. K. Gupta (1974)
47. "Stable Distributions in Statistical Inference: 3. Estimation of the Parameter of a Stable Distribution by the Method of Maximum Likelihood" by William H. DuMouchel (1974)
46. "Stable Distributions in Statistical Inference: 2. Information from Stably Distributed Samples" by William H. DuMouchel (1974)
45. "Transportation Problems with Some xÿ Negative and Transshipment Problems" by Paul S. Dwyer (1974)
44. "Classification Rules for Exponential Populations" by A. P. Basu and A. K. Gupta (1974)
43. "On a Uniform Mixture Model" by A. K. Gupta and T. Miyawaki (1974)
42. "Classification by Multiple Observations" by A. K. Gupta (1974)
41. "Strong Inconsistency from Uniform Priors" by Mervyn Stone (1974)
40. "Asymptotic Distributions of the Determinants of Some Random Matrices" by A. K. Gupta, A. K. Chattopadhyay, and P. R. Krishnaiah (1974)
39. "Aberrant Behavior of the Likelihood Function in Discrete Cases" by Bruce M. Hill (1974)
38. "On a Test for Reality of the Covariance Matrix in a Complex Gaussian Distribution" by A. K. Gupta (1974)
37. "" by A. K, Gupta and Z. Govindarajulu (e. 1974)
36. "On Zipf's Law" by Michael Woodroofe and Bruce M. Hill (1974)
35. "Cross-Validation and Multinomial Prediction" by Mervyn Stone (1974)
34. "A Simple General Approach to Inference About the Tail of a Distribution" by Bruce M. Hill (1974)
33. "Gone Fishin': Optimal Stopping Based on Catch Times" by Norman Starr and Michael Woodroofe (e. 1974)
32. "On Stochastic Inequality for the Wilks' Statistic" by A. K. Gupta (e. 1974)
31. "Stronger Forms of Zipf's Law" by Bruce M. Hill and Michael Woodroofe (1974)
30. "Using MIDAS to Teach Elementary Statistics" by William H. DuMouchel (1973)
29. "A Note on Exchangeable Sequences" by Richard Otshen (e. 1973)
28. "The Rank Frequency Form of Zipf's Law" by Bruce M. Hill (e. 1973)
27. "Alternative Concepts of Square Root With Application to Symmetric Matrices" by Paul S. Dwyer and Charles J. Kowalski (1973)
26. "A Bayesian Approach to Two-Stage Sampling" by William A. Ericson (1973)
25. "On Coherence, Inadmissibility and Inference About Many Parameters in the Theory of Least Squares" by Bruce M. Hill (1972)
24. "Evolution in Heterogeneous Environments" by Alan R. Templeton and Edward D. Rothman (1972)
23. "Estimation of the Variance -Time Curve of a Stationary Point Process" by Edward D. Rothman and A. M. Liebetrau (1972)
22. "Nonnull Distribution of Wilks' Statistic for MANOVA in the Complex Case" by A. K. Gupta (1972)
21. "On the Asymptotic Normality of the Maximum Likelihood Estimate when Sampling from a Stable Distribution" by William H. DuMouchel (1972)
20. "Gone Fishin'" by Norman Starr (1972)
19. "Random Selective Advantages of Genes and Their Probabilities of Fixation" by Louis Jensen (1972)
18. "Estimators for 'The Fraction of Variance Explained' in One-Way Classification" by Z. Govindarajulu and A. K. Gupta (1972)
17. "Certain Nonparametric Classification Rules: Univariate Case" by Z. Govindarajulu and A. K. Gupta (1972)
16. "Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Translation Parameter of Truncated Distribution II" by Michael Woodroofe (1972)
15. "Subjective Bayesian Models in Sampling Finite Populations: Stratification*" by William A. Ericson (1972)
14. "Some New Classification Rules for c Univariate Normal Populations" by A. K. Gupta and Govindarajulu (1972)
13. "A Note on Estimating the Variance of Sample Mean in Stratified Sampling" by William H. DuMouchel, Z. GovindaraJulu and Edward D. Rothman (l972)
12. "Selecting the Coin with the Greatest Bias" by Milton Sobel and Norman Starr (1972)
11. "The Population Genetics of Parthenogenetic Strains of Drosophila mercatorum I. One Locus Model and Statistics" by Alan R. Templeton and Edward D. Rothman (1972)
10. "Solving a Singular Diffusion Equation Occurring in Population Genetics" by Louis Jensen (1972)
9. "On Large Sample Rankinq and Selection" by Norman Starr and Michael Woodroofe (e. 1971)
8. "The Bounded Modification of the SPRT" by Michael Woodroofe (e. 1971)
7. "Further Remarks on Sequential Estimation: The Exponential Case" by Norman Starr and Michael Woodroofe (e. 1971)
6. "A Cramer Von-Mises Type Statistic for Testing Symmetry" by Edward D. Rothman and Michael Woodroofe (e. 1971)
5. "Einige Prizipien zur Behandlung Nichtparametrischer Hypothesen" by C. B. Bell and V. G. Kurotschka (e. 1971 )
4. "A Set of Computer Routines for the Generation of Pseudorandom Numbers" by Daniel J. Fox (e. 1971)
3. "How to Win a War if You Must" by Norman Starr (e. 1971)
2. "A Class of Loss Functions of Catenary Form" by D. E. Raeside and R. J. Owen (e. 1971)
1. "Moment Functions of Sample Moment Functions" by Paul S. Dwyer (1971)