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Joint Program in Psychology and Women’s and Gender Studies

The joint doctoral program of Women’s and Gender Studies and Psychology bridges two nationally ranked departments at a top-tier research university. Our joint program was the first of its kind and is currently only one of two graduate programs that offer the dual title PhD in Women’s and Gender Studies and Psychology. Students in the PhD program benefit from an active and diverse cohort of students and unique opportunities for interdisciplinary research and mentoring. Students learn to synthesize and apply feminist theories to psychological research while developing expertise in a range of research methods under the direction of an interdisciplinary and diverse community of faculty. Our joint program has a stellar placement record with recent graduates holding positions in both academic careers, such as tenure-track faculty and postdoctoral fellowship positions, as well as non-academic career tracks as researchers in industry. 

Students in the Ph.D. program in Psychology and WGS affiliate with one of the program areas in Psychology (e.g., Personality and Social Contexts) in addition to GFP. They complete: (a) all Psychology departmental requirements (e.g., Statistics); (b) most requirements associated with one of the other program areas within Psychology; and (c) the requirements of WGS joint doctoral programs. 

Graduate courses in Psychology include:

  • Psych 655/WGS 655: Psychology of Women
  • Psych 808/WGS 698: Women, Gender and Diversity in Organizations, and Work
  • Psych/WGS 692 808/WS 698: Qualitative Methods

Graduate courses in WGS include:

  • WGS 530: Feminist Theory
  • WGS 601/602: Approaches to Feminist Scholarship in the Humanities & Social Sciences
  • WGS 603: Approaches to Feminist Scholarship on Women of Color

A preliminary examination in both disciplines and an interdisciplinary dissertation are also required. More details regarding the requirements for students in the joint Ph.D. program can be found here.

For more information, please contact us at:

Psychology & Women’s and Gender Studies Doctoral Program

[email protected]


Click here for the Joint Ph.D. Handbook