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The Psychology Student Academic Affairs Office offers Peer and Staff Advising to undergraduate students. Peer Advisors are current Psych and BCN majors with extensive training to help guide you. Our staff advising team is composed of full-time Staff Advisors and current UM Graduate Students from the Psychology PhD program and the Master's of Social Work Program.

Our office is located at 1343 East Hall. You can reach us by phone at 734-764-2580. Click here to review our FAQs.

Please use the information on this page to learn more about how to receive our services!

Winter 2025 In-Person Drop-In Advising Schedule

Peer Advisors are available in the Psychology Student Academic Affairs Office (1343 East Hall) on a drop-in basis Monday - Friday (excluding university holidays/breaks) to help with all your Psych/BCN advising needs. Read the Peer Advisors' bios here!

Staff Advisors are also available for drop-in advising during the first two weeks of the semester and again during registration.

Peer Advising Drop-in Schedule 1/20/25 - 4/21/25 (last day of class):

There will  not be any drop-in advising on University Breaks/Holidays! Staff advisors will be on-call during drop-ins again in April during undergraduate registration.

Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri
2:30-4p^ 10a-4p* 10a-12:50p & 2:30-4p 10a-4p


^Limited advising hours on Mon. 2/24/25: 3:30-4p

*Limited advising hours on Tues. 3/11/25: 10-10:30am, 1-2pm & 3-4pm

Winter 2025 Drop-in Online Peer Advising Schedule

Peer advisors are available for drop-in online advising Monday - Friday (excluding university holidays/breaks) during the fall and winter terms. Join the online Office Hours Queue to get advising from a Peer Advisor during the times listed below! When it's your turn, the Office Hours Queue will display a Zoom link for you to join a meeting with a Peer Advisor.

Drop-in Online Peer Advising Schedule 1/13/25 - 4/21/25 (last day of class):

Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri
10-11a 2-3p* 11a-12p 10-11a 1-2pm

*Online advising on Tues. 3/11/25 will be from 12-1pm.

There will not be any drop-in online advising on University Breaks/Holidays!

Before You See an Advisor

Please review the Psych dept. FAQs, which has answers to many common advising questions.

IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR RESOURCES: Ask Sigmund, the 24/7 Psychology Undergraduate Program Virtual Assistant!

IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS RELATED TO TRANSFER CREDIT: Before you schedule an appointment, visit our transfer credit page for step-by-step instructions on how to check if your transfer course is already approved for the Psych/BCN major and which major requirement it can fulfill. If you can't find your course in the database, you can submit a petition to have it evaluated by the Psychology Department. It is helpful to have any courses not listed in the database evaluated prior to meeting with an advisor. 

IF YOU ARE DECLARING YOUR MAJOR: You must complete the major course prerequisites and the Online Orientation process found on our How to Declare page. After completing all those steps, you may declare your major by meeting with a Peer Advisor during the Fall and Winter semesters, or meeting with a Staff Advisor during the Spring and Summer semesters.

IF YOU ARE A GRADUATING SENIOR IN NEED OF A MAJOR RELEASE: You do NOT need to meet with an advisor. Submit a request for your major release from home by following the steps on this page.

IF YOU HAVE REGISTRATION QUESTIONS: First, read the Registration FAQs. If your question isn't answered there, most other registration questions can be answered without an appointment by calling our office at 734-764-2580 or emailing us at [email protected].

Registration issues we can help with:

  • Getting into a class for which you have transfer credit for an enforced prerequisite: Once your enrollment appointment is active, you must have the course and discussion number of a section with open seats available (ex. Psych 240-012) and you must be able to register immediately. 
  • Questions about enrollment restrictions or you aren’t able to enroll in a class.
  • Questions about our waitlist policy.

Registration issues we cannot help with:

  • Course is full: we cannot over-enroll a full course. Only the instructor may consider such requests; however, it is unlikely as most classrooms do not have space for additional students beyond the course's stated enrollment capacity. Visit our Registration page for more information on requesting permission into a full course.
  • You don't meet the prerequisites: Only the instructor may consider allowing you to enroll in a course for which you do not meet the prerequisites. 

Peer Advising

Peer advisors are available every day class is in session during the fall and winter semesters, from the first day class is in session through the last. There is NO peer advising during university breaks, including Labor Day, Fall Break, Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, MLK Day, and Spring Break. 

In-person drop-in Peer Advising: See the schedule posted at the top of this page. Visit the Psychology SAA Office at 1343 EH and sign in on the iPad at the front desk.

Online drop-in Peer Advising: See the schedule & additional information posted above under "Drop-In Online Advising".

Want to Be a Peer Advisor?

Click the button below to learn more!

Advising Appointments

Staff advisors offer online and in-person advising appointments year round, except during university holidays. All appointments are in Eastern time (Ann Arbor time). Appointments are not offered during peak advising times: the first two weeks of the fall and winter semesters; and the registration period. During peak times, advising help is available on a drop-in basis. See the section above on this page for more information.