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Emily Allison-Siep
Communications Editor
Kelsey Museum
Eric Campbell
Museum Graphic Designer
Kelsey Museum (734) 764-2515
Suzanne Davis
Senior Associate Curator and Head of Conservation
Kelsey Museum (734) 647-0439
Michelle Fontenot
Collections Manager
Kelsey Museum (734) 647-0442
Scott Meier
Museum Exhibition Coordinator
Kelsey Museum (734) 647-0447
Laura Motta
Assistant Curator for Archaeobiological Collections
Rm 2029 J Tisch
Kathryn Peneyra
Graduate Fellow in Conservation
Will Pestle
Director of Education, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
Janet Richards
Curator for Dynastic Egypt
Kelsey Museum (734) 763-4301
Carrie Roberts
Kelsey Museum (734) 615-6555
Nicola Terrenato
Director / Esther B. Van Deman Collegiate Professor of Roman Studies / Curator for the Archaeology of the Italian Peninsula
Kelsey Museum (734) 647-0446
T.G. Wilfong
Curator of Graeco-Roman Egyptian Collections
Kelsey Museum
Alexander Zwinak
Graduate Program Coordinator
Kelsey Museum (734) 764-6323