The Student Services Team is dedicated to serving both undergraduate and graduate students. Our staff is knowledgeable and friendly. If you have questions that are not addressed on the website, please contact us by emailing [email protected] for the general office staff or [email protected] for the office manager. Our office is open 8:00am-4:30pm during the academic year and from 8:00am-4:00pm during the summer. The Student Services Office is located in 1440 Randall Lab.
More information can be found on the Undergraduate Student pages and the Graduate Student pages.
Sarah Bargardi, Introductory Course Coordinator
Schedule: Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday - in the office | Wednesday - working from home
Intro Course Assistance, Exam Support, Hiring and Coordination of Department Learning Assistants and Proctors, REU Program Administration, Randall/Homer A. Neal Room Reservations, Assistance in the Oversight of the Physics Help Room
Chelsea Raupp, Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Schedule: Monday/Tuesday/Thursday - in the office | Wednesday and Friday - working from home
Advising Administration, Commencement, Undergraduate Awards, Curriculum Planning, non-Randall/Homer A. Neal Room Reservations, Prospective Students, Undergraduate Program Questions, Hiring and Coordination of Hourly Course Graders, CERN Program Administrative Support, Undergraduate Student Outreach and Retention
Cory Steiner, Graduate Program Coordinator
Schedule: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday - in the office | Thursday - working from home
Graduate Admissions, Graduate Appointments (GSRA/GSI), Graduate Program Questions, Student Milestones and Degree Completion, Graduate Awards, Graduate Student Outreach and Retention
Tammy Kennedy, Student Services Manager
Schedule: Monday/Wednesday/Thursday- in the office | Tuesday/Friday - working from home
Administrative Oversight of the Student Services Office (including all items noted above), Overall Student Hiring and Appointments, Program Financials, Grievances, Print and Online Material for Student-Related Information, Long Range Strategic Planning and DEI Initiatives