Vice President, Porter Novelli
Rebecca Mark is a Vice President with Porter Novelli. Rebecca’s primary focus is on pinpointing actionable findings that make organizations more effective. A former hill staffer and analyst for Hart Research Associates, Rebecca is well versed in assessing the DC landscape.
Rebecca has led corporate, policy, and political research, including international and state-based work. Her scope includes research with congressmen, foreign leaders, and business executives, in addition to the general public, voters, and consumers. Past clients include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Lansinoh Inc, and the House Majority PAC.
Prior to research, Rebecca served as the Deputy Finance Director for the 2010 Michigan gubernatorial election, and as a legislative assistant in the office of Congresswomen Gwen Moore and Jan Schakowsky. Specializing in health policy, women's issues, and seniors' issues, Rebecca has experience crafting legislative strategies, fighting for appropriations, and staffing her boss on the Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee during health reform. Rebecca graduated from the University of Michigan in 2007 with a master's degree in urban planning and economic development, where she also attended as an undergraduate.