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- Undergraduate Education
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts | ||||
Departments | Phone | Address/Zip | Chair/Director | |
Afroamerican and African Studies (DAAS) | 734.764.5513 | 4700 Haven Hall - 1045 | Bénédicte Boisseron | daaschair@umich.edu |
American Culture | 734.615.6473 | 3703 Haven Hall - 1045 | Magdalena Zaborowska | amcult-chair@umich.edu |
Anthropology | 734.764.7274 | 101 West Hall - 1107 | Kelly Askew | anthro.chair@umich.edu |
Asian Languages and Cultures (ALC) | 734.764.8286 | 6111 Thayer Bldg. 48104-1608 |
Ben Brose | alc-chair@umich.edu |
Astronomy | 734.764.3440 | 323 West Hall - 1107 | Michael Meyer | astrochair@umich.edu |
Chemistry | 734.763.9681 | 1500 Chemistry - 1055 | Bart Bartlett | chem-chair@umich.edu |
Classical Studies | 734.764.0360 | 2160 Angell Hall - 1003 | Celia Schultz | lsa-clas-chair@umich.edu |
Communication and Media | 734.764.0420 | 5370 North Quad - 1285 | Jan Van den Bulck | commchair@umich.edu |
Comparative Literature | 734.763.2351 | 2021 Tisch Hall - 1003 | Christi Merrill | chair-complit@umich.edu |
Earth and Environmental Sciences | 734.764.1435 | 2534B 1100 N. University Bldg. - 1005 | Julia Cole | earth-chair@umich.edu |
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 734.615.4917 | 2244 Biological Sciences Bldg. - 1085 | Nate Sanders | eeb-chair@umich.edu |
Economics | 734.764.2355 | 238 Lorch Hall - 1220 | John Leahy | economicschair@umich.edu |
English Language and Literature | 734.764.6330 | 3187 Angell Hall - 1003 | Gaurav Desai | desaig@umich.edu |
Film, Television, and Media | 734.764.0147 | 6330 North Quad - 1285 | Colin Gunckel | sac-chair@umich.edu |
Germanic Languages and Literatures | 734.764.8018 | 3110 MLB - 1275 | Kerstin Barndt | GermanChair@umich.edu |
History | 734.764.6305 | 1029 Tisch Hall - 1003 | Will Glover | histchair@umich.edu |
History of Art | 734.764.5400 | 110 Tappan - 1357 | Paroma Chatterjee | histart-chair@umich.edu |
Linguistics | 734.764.0353 | 440 Lorch Hall - 1220 | Acrisio Pires | lingchair@umich.edu |
Mathematics | 734.764.0335 | 2074 East Hall - 1043 | Karen Smith | math-chair@umich.edu |
Middle East Studies | 734.764.0314 | 4111 Thayer Bldg. - 1608 | Karla Mallette | mes-chair@umich.edu |
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology | 734.764.7427 | 2220 Biological Sciences Bldg. - 1085 | Kenneth Cadigan | mcdb-chair@umich.edu |
Philosophy | 734.764.6285 | 2215 Angell Hall - 1003 | Laura Ruetsche (Acting) | phil-chair@umich.edu |
Physics | 734.764.4437 | 2477 Randall Lab Bldg. - 1040 | David Gerdes | physicschair@umich.edu |
Political Science | 734.764.6313 | 5700 Haven Hall - 1045 | Andrew Murphy | murphyan@umich.edu |
Psychology | 734.764.2580 | 1004 East Hall - 1043 | Priti Shah | psychchair@umich.edu |
Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences (QMSS) | 734.763.1816 | 6th Floor Weiser Hall - 1042 | TBD | TBD |
Romance Languages and Literatures | 734.764.5344 | 4108 MLB - 1275 | Katherine Jenckes | kjenckes@umich.edu |
Slavic Languages and Literatures | 734.764.5355 | 3040 MLB - 1275 | Benjamin Paloff | slavicchair@umich.edu |
Sociology | 734.764.6324 | 3126 LSA Bldg. - 1382 | Elizabeth Armstrong | soc-chair@umich.edu |
Statistics | 734.647.8192 | 323 West Hall - 1107 | Liza Levina | stat-chair@umich.edu |
Women's and Gender Studies | 734.615.6613 | 1122 Lane Hall - 1290 | Lilia Cortina | lilia@umich.edu |
Programs and Institutes | ||||
Program/Institute | Phone | Address/Zip | Chair/Director | |
Applied Physics Program | 734.936.0653 | 2477 Randall Lab Bldg. - 1040 | Cagliyan Kurdak | kurdak@umich.edu |
Barger Leadership Institute (BLI) | 734.764.8200 | 800 Weiser Hall - 1042 | Ram Mahalingam | ramawasi@umich.edu |
Program in Biophysics | 734.764.1146 | 4028 Chemistry Bldg. - 1055 | Charles Brooks | brookscl@umich.edu |
Center for Social Solutions | 734.647.9707 | 6500 Haven Hall - 1045 | Earl Lewis | earlewis@umich.edu |
Center for the Study of Complex Systems | 734.763.3301 | 700 Weiser Hall - 1042 | Marisa Eisenberg | marisae@umich.edu |
Computing in the Arts and Sciences (PCAS) | TBD | TBD | Mark Guzdial | mjguz@umich.edu |
Digital Studies Institute | 734.764.3356 | G333 Mason Hall - 1045 | Ellie Abrons | dsi-director@umich.edu |
Humanities Institute | 734.936.3518 | 1111 Thayer Bldg. - 48104-1608 | Jason Young | humin-director@umich.edu |
Humanities Collaboratory | 734.764.3766 | 100 N. Hatcher Gallery - 1190 | Kristin Hass | kah@umich.edu |
International Institute (II) | 734.763.9200 | 500 Church St, Suite 300 - 1042 | Johannes von Moltke (Interim) | ii.director@umich.edu |
Judiac Studies | 734.763.9047 | 2111 Thayer Bldg. - 48104 - 1608 | Maya Barzilai | js-director@umich.edu |
Organizational Studies | 734.764.6767 | 800 Weiser Hall - 1042 | Elizabeth Popp Berman | epberman@umich.edu |
Prison Creative Arts Project | 734.647.6771 | 1801 East Quad - 48109 | Nora Krinitsky | nkrinit@umich.edu |
Semester in Detroit | 734.615.1466 | 3663 Woodward Ave, Ste 150 Detroit, MI 48201 | Stephen Ward | smward@umich.edu |
Sweetland Center for Writing | 734.764.0429 | 1310 North Quad - 1285 | Simone Sessolo (Interim) | sessolo@umich.edu |
Wallenberg Institute | 734.763.9047 | TBD | Jeffrey Veidlinger | jveidlin@umich.edu |
Weinberg Institute for Cognitive Science | 734.615.3275 | 9th Floor, Weiser Hall - 1045 | Chanda Sripada | sripada@umich.edu |
World Performance Studies, Center for | 734.936.2777 | 701 East University Ave, Rm. 1800 | Mike Gould | mgould@umich.edu |
Museums | ||||
Museum | Phone | Address/Zip | Chair/Director | |
Museum of Anthropological Archaeology | 734.764.0485 | 3010 School of Education - 1259 | Mike Galaty | mgalaty@umich.edu |
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology | 734.764.9304 | 434 S. State Street - 1390 | Nicola Terrenato | kelsey-director@umich.edu |
Museum of Paleontology | 734.764.0489 | 3114 Biological Sciences Bldg. - 1085 | Matt Friedman | mfriedm@umich.edu |
Museum of Zoology | 734.764.0476 | RMC 3600 Varsity Dr. - 48108 | Nate Sanders | eeb-chair@umich.edu |
Biological Station | 734.763.4461 231.539.8408 (May-Aug.) |
2232 Biological Sciences Bldg. - 1085 | Aimée Classen
Herbarium | 734.615.6200 | RMC 3600 Varsity Dr. - 2228 | Nate Sanders | eeb-chair@umich.edu |
Undergraduate Education Units | ||||
Units | Phone | Address/Zip | Chair/Director | |
Center for Global and Intercultural Study (CGIS) | 734.764.4311 | 200 Weiser Hall - 1042 | Michael Jordan | micjor@umich.edu |
Cohort-Based Scholarship Programs |
734.647.5240 |
2152 LSA - 1382 |
Adan Hussain |
Comprehensive Studies (CSP) | 734.764.9128 | Angell Hall, Suite 1139 | Demond Davenport (Interim Director) | djcd@umich.edu |
English Language Institute (ELI) | 734.764.2413 | 900 Weiser Hall - 1042 | Angelo Pitillo | apitillo@umich.edu |
Global Scholars Program (GSP) | 734.764.3573 | 3145 North Quad - 1285 | Benjamin Peters | balexp@umich.edu |
Health Science Scholars Program (HSSP) | 734.763.6091 | 1300 Couzens Hall - 2016 | Lisa Harris | lhharris@umich.edu |
Honors Program | 734.764.6274 | 1330 Mason Hall - 1027 | Miranda Brown | mdbrown@umich.edu |
Intergroup Relations (IGR) | 734.936.1875 | 1214 S. University, Suite B - 48104-2592 | Donna Kaplowitz | donnakap@umich.edu |
Language Resource Center (LRC) | 734.764.0424 | 1500 North Quad - 1285 | Julie Evershed | evershed@umich.edu |
Lloyd Scholars for Writing and the Arts (LSW) | 734.764.7521 | 100 Observatory, Alice Lloyd Hall - 2023 | Scott Beal | skot@umich.edu |
Michigan Community Scholars Program (MCSP) | 734.647.4860 | 1041 West Quad - 1360 | Christine Modey | cmodey@umich.edu |
Michigan Research and Discovery Scholars (MRADS) | 734.936.6536 | 168 Mosher Jordan - 2035 | Ragan Glover | rlglover@umich.edu |
M-Sci Academy |
734.647.9690 |
1140 USB - 2215 |
Victoria Booth |
Museum of Natural History (MNH) | 734.764.0478 | 1105 Biological Sciences Bldg. - 1085 | Dawn Johnson (Interim) | dawnlynn@umich.edu |
optiMize |
734.764.3969 |
1100 LSA - 1382 |
Jeni Olney |
Residential College (RC) | 734.936.1998 | 1724 East Quad - 1245 | Catherine Badgley | cbadgley@umich.edu |
Scholarships |
734.764.2906 |
2162 LSA - 1382 |
Doug Fletcher |
Science Learning Center (SLC) | 734.763.9399 | 1720 Chemistry Bldg. - 1055 | Joe Salvatore | joesalva@umich.edu |
Student Academic Affairs (SAA) |
734.764.7297 |
1255 Angell - 1003 |
Chris O'Neil |
Student Recruitment |
734.936.7524 |
2150 LSA - 1382 |
Susan Perreault |
Undergraduate Education | 734.647.1998 | 2255 LSA - 1382 | Tim McKay | tamckay@umich.edu |
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) | 734.615.9000 | 1190 USB - 2215 | Michelle Ferrez | mdferrez@umich.edu |
Women in Science and Engineering Residence Program (WISE RP) |
734.647.2079 | 200 Observatory - 2035 | Natasha Turman | nturman@umich.edu |
International Institute Area Study Centers | ||||
Institute | Phone | Address/Zip | Chair/Director | |
African Studies | 734.615.3027 | 500 Church St, Suite 500 | Omolade Adunbi | oadunbi@umich.edu |
Armenian Studies | 734.763.0622 | 500 Church St, Suite 500 | Gottfried Hagen | ghagen@umich.edu |
Center for Emerging Democracies | 734.764.0351500 | Church St, Suite 500 | Dan Slater |
dnsltr@umich.edu |
Digital Islamic Studies Curriculum (DISC) | 734.615.9558 | 500 Church St., Suite 300 | Pauline Jones | pjluong@umich.edu |
Donia Human Rights Center | 734.615.8482 | 500 Church St, Suite 300 | Steven Ratner | sratner@umich.edu |
Global Islamic Studies Center | 734.615.9558 | 500 Church St, Suite 500 | Aliyah Khan | aliyrhan@umich.edu |
International and Comparative Studies | 734.764.2268 | 500 Church St, Suite 300 | Melanie Tanielian | meltan@umich.edu |
Japanese Studies | 734.764.6307 | 500 Church St, Suite 400 | Denise Saint Arnault | starnaul@umich.edu |
Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies | 734.764.6308 | 500 Church St, Suite 400 | Joseph Lam (Interim) | jsclam@umich.edu |
Masters in International and Regional Studies (MIRS) | 734.936.3979 | 500 Church St., Suite 300 | Pär Cassel | cassel@umich.edu |
Nam Center for Korean Studies | 734.764.1825 | 500 Church St, Suite 400 | Youngju Ryu | yjryu@umich.edu |
Latin American and Caribbean Studies | 734.763.0553 | 500 Church St, Suite 500 | Gavin Arnall | garnall@umich.edu |
Middle Eastern and North African Studies | 734.647.4143 | 500 Church St, Suite 500 | Jay Crisostomo (Interim) | cjcrisos@umich.edu |
The Copernicus Center in Polish Studies | 734.764.0351 | 500 Church St, Suite 500 | Geneviève Zubrzycki | genez@umich.edu |
Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies | 734.764.0351 | 500 Church St, Suite 500 | Elizabeth King | ejking@umich.edu |
Southeast Asian Studies | 734.764.0352 | 500 Church St, Suite 500 | Mike McGovern | mmcgov@umich.edu |
South Asian Studies | 734.615.4059 | 500 Church St, Suite 500 | Madhumita Lahiri (Interim) | mlahiri@umich.edu |
Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia | 734.647.0351 | 500 Church St, Suite 500 | Geneviève Zubrzycki | genez@umich.edu |
Interdepartmental Programs | ||||
Program | Phone | Address/Zip | Chair/Director | |
Anthropology and History |
734.764.6358 |
1029 Tisch Hall - 1003 |
Deirdre de la Cruz |
Ancient Mediterranean Art and Archaeology |
734.764.6323 |
434 S. State - 1390 |
Natalie Abell |
Ancient History |
734.764.0360 |
2160 Angell Hall - 1003 |
Rafael Neis |
Medieval and Early Modern Studies |
734.763.2066 |
1029 Tisch Hall - 1003 |
Erin Brightwell |
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics | 734.764.6285 | 2215 Angell Hall - 1003 |
David Baker
Science, Technology, and Society |
734.763.2066 |
1029 Tisch Hall - 1003 |
Joy Rohde |
Transcultural Studies | 734.763.2351 | 2021 Tisch Hall - 1003 | David Porter | dporter@umich.edu |