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German Advising

German Advisors

German students can work with either of our two undergraduate advisors:

Kalli Federhofer

Office: 3422 MLB

Email: [email protected]

Mary Rodena-Krasan

Office: 3128 MLB

Email: [email protected]

Both undergraduate advisors can be reached via phone at the department's main office number, 734.764.8018 or [email protected].

Undergraduate Peer Mentors

Kurt Beyer (Physics; Philosophy; German)

Kai Carter (German; Linguistics; Translation Studies; Asian Languages and Cultures)

Michaela Castle (Political Science; German; Business; Public Policy)

Eric Derr (Public Policy; German; Business)

Aimee Dubuque (German; Physics)

Haley Gipson (German; Physics; Math)

Collin Gregersen (EEB; German; Statistics)

Mia Hedman (German; International Studies)

Caroline Kitchen (Biology, Health, and Society; German)

Caleb Knoer (German; Political Science)

Will Knudsen (German; Political Science; International Studies)

Brianne Lowe (German; BCN; Spanish)

Arthi Narayanan (German; BCN; Biomolecular Sciences)

Leah Nielsen (German; Public Health Sciences)

Luke Pauer (German; History; International Studies)    

Matthew Peal (German; Economics)

Wilhelmina Schuster (Architecture; German)

Daphne Welter (Economics; Political Science; German)

Matthew Zhang (Cello Performance; Business Administration; German)

German Courses

Please see the LSA Course Guide for the most up-to-date information.