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24. You have fallen into the garum vat! Now all of your senses have become intimately acquainted with the complexities of garum, and even though most Romans can only dream of being “surrounded” by so much garum, you admit that this is too much!



30. A passer-by sees you treading in the garum vat. They stop to pull you out, but you are covered in garum. You head to the baths (balnea), but the smell (odor) never fades. You permanently smell like garum for the remainder of your life. You interpret this as a curse and dedicate your life to discovering the cure for your plight.

30. Before you can have another thought on your predicament, you are drudged out of the fishy sauce by the owner and plopped down on the hard surface of dry land. The owner is irate because the vat you fell into held garum that was being prepared to be sent to a wealthy noble in Rome. He charges at you, looking for a brawl. You think quickly and commandeer a nearby raft (ratis). You sail away, unharmed, while the angry owner shouts at you from afar demanding to know your name, and as you paddle away, you turn back and shout, “Nemo.