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19. You push your way through the crowd (turba), following the wisps of scent. The pungent scent leads you out of the dock area and to an area with numerous stone basins in the ground. You see a sign and you realize you are at the famous garum vats (lacus gari). Garum is a mixture of fermented fish and spices. It is considered a delicacy among the Romans.



24. Your not-so-long journey has come to a triumphant end as you approach one of the garum vats for closer inspection. It’s a sight and smell to behold for sure, and you cannot help but lean over to get an intense whiff of that garum. As you close your eyes and deeply inhale the fishy fragrance, you start to lose your balance and fall into the vat!

25. Now that you’ve found the origins of such a wonderful whiff, it is time for you to locate the owner of this production. The owner is willing to part with a couple jugs worth of garum in exchange for some of your wares, a proposition you gladly accept. In the end, you actually made a good profit and you walked away with two jugs of that precious garum.