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Oral Presentation Resources (Research Scholars only)

Presentation Resources

Presentation Overview: There will be 4-5 scholars scheduled during each 50-minute presentation session. Each scholar is expected to give an 8-minute oral presentation accompanied by google slides. This will allow for 10-minutes of Q & A at the end of the presentations. 

Oral presentations must be created in google slides for accessibility purposes. If short videos or website URLs are a part of the presentation they must be embedded into the slide presentation. 

Room Facilitator: Each oral presentation room will have a facilitator that will be responsible for introducing each scholar and keeping time. The facilitator will hold index cards to announce when 5-minutes, 3-minutes and 1-minute are remaining. 

Uploading Google Slides: Once the mentor approval for symposium registration is completed, each scholar will be invited to upload their mentor-approved google slide presentation to this shared google drive by Friday, April 12 by 11:59 p.m. 

You will have from Monday, April 15 -  Monday, April 22 to make any final edits or changes within the google drive folder. All access will be removed on Monday, April 22 at 11:59 p.m. Edits to the presentation slides will not be allowed past this date. Please note that all finalized presentations should be mentor approved. A combined google slide show for each presentation session will be created and used the day of the symposium.

The presentation room will be set up lecture-style with a podium and projector. The podium will hold a laptop with your google slides uploaded and ready to go when you arrive.   


Any questions about oral presentations contact [email protected] and include in the subject heading “UROP Oral presentation.”


Symposium Presentation Workshops

UROP Approved Logos