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Research Mentors

The 20245 UROP Spring Symposium will be held on Wednesday, April 23rd. This event will see the return to in-person research presentations at the MI League.

UROP Assignments Tied to Spring Symposium

Please note these assignments do not apply to students in the Research Scholars program. Additionally, students in the Community Engaged Research seminars might have different deadlines, please reach out to Ray Wang ([email protected]) with questions. 

These assignments are adaptable to allow a research mentor to decide the format and/or content that should be included. Finally, depending on the student's UROP program, there may be additional assignments the student is required to complete that are not directly tied to the Spring Symposium. 

- Alternative Abstract Assignment: If you started your research project during the Winter 2025 term, the alternative abstract assignment might be a better option

- When registering for the symposium, students will submit a draft of their abstract.

- This is the final step in the students registration process. If a student misses this step they will not be able to participate in the Symposium. This is also the final opportunity to update abstract, presentation title and authorship.

  • Draft of Symposium Presentation (poster, oral, or creative) Submission to PF (via Canvas): due March 25, 2025
  • Student Submit Finalized Poster to Fishbowl: April 14 - April 22, 2025