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Alumni Updates

Please send updates about our alumni or information you would like to share to [email protected] or by clicking here.

Ashley Lemke is now an Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. 

Anna Antoniou joined the Center for Community Engagement to Advance Scholarship and Learning as Associate Director. 

Kyra Pazan is now an Assistant Professor of Biological Anthropology at California State University Stanislaus. 

Yuchao Zhao is now an Associate Professor at the Institute of Cultural Heritage, Shandong University 

Jordan Dalton (PhD 2020) is a Research Scientists at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York.

Bree Doering (PhD 2020) is now Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Wyoming

Lacey Carpenter (PhD 2019) is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at SUNY, University at Buffalo.

Colin Quinn (PhD 2017) is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at SUNY, University at Buffalo.

Cameron Gokee (PhD 2012), Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Appalachian State University was awarded grant funding from the National Science Foundation to conduct archaeological research in the Bandafassi of eastern Senegal - a West African 'shatter zone'. 

Christina Sampson (PhD 2019) teaches at Everett Community College in Washington

Chelsea Fisher (PhD 2019) is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of South Carolina.

Meghan Howey (PhD 2006) is Professor of Anthropology at the University of New Hampshire.

Jamie Clark (PhD 2009) is now Assistant Professor at George Mason University.

T. Douglas Price (PhD 1973), Weinstein Professor of European Archaeology, emeritus, at the University of Wisconsin Madison, has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences.

John Norder (PhD 2003), Director of the Native American Institute and Associate Professor of Anthropology, Michigan State University, is appointed as Compliance Officer and Curator of Native American and Indigenous Studies and Engagement at MSU.

Lynn Rainville (PhD 2001) named Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at Sweet Briar College, and continues in her role as Director of the Tusculum Institute.