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UMMAA is currently (as of December 2024) experiencing an unusually large number of requests for access to collections. As a result, requests relating to NAGPRA will be prioritized. Please be patient. We will respond to your request as soon as we can. If you need to access collections of any kind, you must submit your request via this request form.

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The Museum of Anthropological Archaeology is in compliance with all provisions of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). Prior to November 16, 1993, the Museum submitted Summaries to the National Park Service (NPS) and tribal groups. The Museum filed its original inventory to NPS in November 1995, and followed up with a revised inventory sent in March 2000. In April 2009, in response to the Future Applicability Ruling by the Federal Government, the Museum filed a third inventory focusing on those collections received at the Museum since 1993. The Museum continues to work with tribes throughout the United States in consultations and repatriation activities.

During the inventory process, the Museum of Anthropological Archaeology identified over 250 collections with NAGPRA related materials. These included 15 archaeological sites containing human remains and associated funerary objects that could be culturally affiliated with a federally recognized tribe. Additionally, the Museum identified more than 300 items within our ethnology and ethnobotanical collections that we believe represent either sacred items or objects of cultural patrimony. In all these cases, culturally affiliated tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations have been notified.

The Museum of Anthropological Archaeology, in conjunction with the U-M Office for Research (UMOR), is committed to continuing fostering dialog and consultations with Tribes from across the country.

If you have any questions about NAGPRA objects, archaeological sites, or compliance issues, please contact:

Ben Secunda
Managing Director NAGPRA Office
U-M Office for Research
University of Michigan
1022 Wolverine Tower
Ann Arbor MI 48109-1274
Telephone: 734-615-8936
Email: [email protected]