Through the self-scheduling work space platform, booking a room can happen in several ways. You can see available rooms through an interactive map, search for a room based on capacity and amenities, or find an available time for your favorite room by viewing its schedule. After your booking is completed, it will show in your Workweek view and in the My Meetings tab in Robin. Additionally, any events created in Robin will be reflected in your Google Calendar (If you don’t see the event in Google, please review instructions for Connecting your Google Calendar.).
Update for Chrome Extension users: The Chrome extension will be retired in late summer 2024. To search for rooms based on amenities moving forward, you will have to use the web dashboard or the mobile app. Please take a look below for more instructions.
G155 Angell Hall, 435 South State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109–1003
[email protected]