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Faculty – Tenured, Tenure Track

Germine Awad
University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor Professor of Psychology
3267 East Hall 734.936.6049
Kevin Cokley
Associate Chair for Diversity Initiatives & Space Management; University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor of Psychology
3265 East Hall 734.647.4266
Elizabeth R. Cole
Director of the National Center for Institutional Diversity; University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor of Women's and Gender Studies, Psychology and Afroamerican and African Studies
3268 East Hall 734.615.3985
Lilia Cortina
University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor of Psychology and Women's & Gender Studies; Professor (by courtesy) of Management & Organizations
Fiona Lee
Personality and Social Contexts Area Chair; Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Psychology
3251 East Hall 734.763.3358
Ramaswami Mahalingam
Professor of Psychology
3263 East Hall
530 Church St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1043
Sara McClelland
Associate Professor of Psychology & Women's and Gender Studies
2114 Lane Hall
2260 East Hall
Nansook Park
Professor of Psychology; Director, Michigan Positive Psychology Center
3241 East Hall 734.763.3166
Lance Sandelands
Professor, Ross School of Business; Professor of Psychology
R5356 RSB 734.764.3128
Robert Sellers
James S. Jackson Distinguished University Professor of Psychology, and Professor of Education
3215 East Hall
Isis Settles
LSA Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor; Professor of Psychology; Afroamerican and African Studies, and Women's and Gender Studies