Adam Kouraimi spent 19 years incarcerated and has been out for a little over a year and he ispassionate about video production. Adam’s videos help nonprofit organizations by documentingmaterial that will help individuals who have come home from prison with resources - similar tothis podcast! Adam’s passion for film has guided his path after coming home and changed theway he sees the world and the people around him. His goal is to show people throughvideography the stories behind incarcerated people and incarceration rather than just tell thesestories because he believes this is the best way to explain the concept and experience topeople who do not understand or relate. In this episode, Adam and our hosts discusscriminalization portrayal in the media, Adam’s passion for film, and how COVID has impactedhis videography experience.It is clear in this episode Adam’s creative mind and faith in other’spotential has helped Adam to persevere after coming home.