From September 2023 through April 2024, students in their first year of the Global Scholars Program worked in Collaborative Groups (CG) in partnership with NGOs around the world.
Each CG completed a Global Engagement Project designed by their partner organization and supported by the GSP instructional team. We were delighted to have been able to host this signature event back in our favorite space, Rackham Amphitheatre. GSP's Global Engagement Symposium acknowledges the important work our partner organizations are doing to address local and global social justice issues and the projects our students undertook to help advance their missions.

Opening Remarks and Keynote Address by Aidan Sova
Global Engagement Symposium Closing Remarks
Remarks by Dr. Benjamin Peters, Director of the Global Scholars Program, acknowledging our global partner organizations, the hard work of GSP students during the 2023-2024 academic year, and the support of the CG Facilitators and the instructional team for first-year GSP students.
Posters and Presentations