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Research Areas

Ecosystem ecology and biogeochemistry

How the physiological activities of organisms interact with the physical environment to control the flow of energy and cycling of nutrients in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

Population and community ecology

Studies the complex dynamics and spatial patterning of populations and of entire assemblages of multiple species across diverse environments and regions.


Research in EEB spans the full range of biological diversity and includes understanding the diversity of organisms, discerning their history, accounting for their characteristics (evolutionary processes), analyzing the function of their features (functional organismal biology), and understanding how organisms affect and are affected by environmental factors.

Biogeography and paleobiology

The study of the history of life, particularly the diversification and extinction of lineages, the evolution of morphology, and ecological interactions on a changing planet.

Global change biology and sustainability

Studies of the effects of human activities on ecological systems through modifications of the physical environment, climate system, disturbance, extinctions and introductions of biota.

Evolution of behavior, life histories, and morphology 

The evolution of organismal attributes pertaining to mechanisms and processes associated with the origins and function of adaptations within species and of biodiversity.

Evolutionary genetics and genomics

Study of the evolution of genes, gene families, genetic systems, genomes, and populations and the genetic basis of phenotypic evolution.

Ecology and evolution of infectious disease

The focus is to understand and predict the dynamics of host-pathogen interactions in time and space and to explore the outcomes of their co-evolutionary arms race.

Phylogenetics and phylogeography

The study of the diversification patterns of organisms and their shared biogeographic histories by analyzing molecular and morphological characters using computational technology.