EEB opportunities and announcements
A regularly updated list of external seminar announcements, events, job announcements, etc. relevant to U-M EEB graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Check often!
JOIN EEB grad/postdoc Slack channel
There is a Slack channel for EEB grad students and postdocs to have academic and informal discussions. To join the Slack channel, email GREEBs president Teresa Pegan.
EEB courses and seminars of interest
Postdocs might want to sit in on some of these upper level classes: 400 and 500 level courses
Training resources
Center for Statistical Consultation and Research
University of Michigan IT training
Infectious Diseases Society of America
Career development and funding opportunities
MentorNet is the award-winning nonprofit e-mentoring network that positively affects the retention and success of those in engineering, science and mathematics, particularly but not exclusively women and others underrepresented in these fields.
National Postdoctoral Association
Providing a national voice and seeking positive change for postdoctoral scholars
University of Michigan Medical School Postdoctoral Programs
New to the area?
Postdocs and grads, if there's a resource you'd like added to this page, email [email protected]. Thank you!
NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology
The Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) awards Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology to recent recipients of the doctoral degree for research and training in selected areas supported by BIO and with special goals for human resource development in biology. For FY 2015 and beyond, these BIO programs are:
(1) Broadening Participation of Groups Under-represented in Biology
(2) Research Using Biological Collections
(3) National Plant Genome Initiative (NPGI) Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Ford Diversity Fellowships Program for Achieving Excellence in College and University Teaching
Through its Fellowship Programs, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, to maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and to increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students. Full eligibility information and online applications are available on their website.
NextProf Science - Future Faculty Workshop
The University of Michigan hosts an annual workshop, NextProf Science, designed to encourage talented scientists with a demonstrated commitment to diversity to consider academia as a career.
Targeted at very advanced graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, the workshop is aimed at helping participants develop strategies that will strengthen their ability to pursue academic careers.
Travel, lodging and meals is provided for those selected to participate. Learn more.
Postdoctoral Short Course on College Teaching in Science and Engineering
Applications for participation are due in August, watch for this opportunity.
The Center for Research on Learning and Teaching and Rackham Graduate School seek applicants for the Postdoctoral Short-Course on College Teaching in Science and Engineering. The purpose of this short-course is to prepare a select group of 32 advanced postdoctoral scholars from a variety of disciplines in the sciences and engineering to teach effectively as future faculty members. The short-course consists of seven three-hour seminars. Each of the seven seminars will follow a similar format, emphasizing advanced preparation so that time in sessions may be devoted to active learning and reflection.
Apply here.
Preparing Future Faculty Seminar
Co-sponsored by Rackham and the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT). A light lunch will be provided. Rackham and CRLT will cover all costs, including all materials for participants (verify not just students). The seminar has received outstanding reviews from participants every year and has garnered national attention as a model for preparing future faculty. For further information, please visit the PFF website, email [email protected] or call 734-615-9263.
The seminar's three main objectives:
- To inform graduate students and postdoctoral fellow about the aspects of higher education most relevant to the lives of future faculty members, e.g., differences in culture and expectations among types of colleges and universities, the nature of today's students, tenure and faculty work life.
- To discuss and reflect upon a number of pedagogical topics and to apply them to one's teaching, e.g., the research on teaching and learning, the principles of course design, multicultural teaching, and instructional technology
- To help prepare graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to obtain jobs and to make successful transitions to junior faculty positions.