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2021 Graduation

Congratulations, Class of 2021!

Dear Class of 2021, although we cannot celebrate with you in person, we would be remiss if we didn't highlight your accomplishments in a meaningful way. You have all worked incredibly hard, and the entire faculty and administration are proud of your achievements and how well you've represented the field of Classical Studies. Many opportunities lie ahead of you now, but remember, wherever you go, Forever Go Blue.

The Department of Classical Studies is hosting a virtual commencement Friday, April 30th at 3:30PM Eastern. Click here to view the recording.

Department of Classical Studies Faculty Remarks for the Class of 2021

With remarks from faculty members Aileen Das, Ian Fielding, Sara Forsdyke, Benjamin Fortson, and Francesca Schironi. Watch here or click the button below to watch on Youtube.

The Class of 2021


Click here for full program & list of graduating students


Senior Prizes


Shannon Burton, Classical Archaeology Prize: Awarded to the top undergraduate student for distinguished achievement in the study of Classical Archaeology.


Abigail Watroba, Classical Civilization Prize: Awarded to the top undergraduate student for distinguished achievement in the study of Classical Civilization.


Christina Missler, Calliopi Papala Politou Prize in Modern Greek: Awarded in memory of Calliopi Evangelinos recognizing an exceptional undergraduate senior who excels in the study of Modern Greek.


Bellina Gaskey & Catharine Fennessey, Copley Prize: Awarded in memory of Frank O. Copley, recognizing the most outstanding undergraduate senior who excels in the study of Latin.


Bellina Gaskey, Seligson Prize: Awarded in memory of Gerda M. Seligson, recognizing the most exceptional undergraduate senior who excels in the study of Classical Greek.


Catharine Fennessey, Future Latin Teacher Prize: Awarded to promising students who are preparing to teach Latin at the secondary level upon graduation.