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Graduate Student Resources

We have several sources of support to assist you during your time as a student.

Student Services Department: Assist with general questions and concerns and a central area to connect you with resources.  Please contact us using [email protected]

MS Students:  Emma Houle, [email protected]

PhD Students:  Chrissy Zigulis, [email protected] and Nico Spraggins, [email protected]

Student Services Assistant:  Kira Lustick,  [email protected]

Funding/ benefit questions:  Emma Houle, [email protected]

Student Services Manager:  Heather Hanosh, [email protected]

Associate Chair of Graduate Studies: Dr. Julie Biteen, [email protected]

Department Ombuds: A representative of the students and postdocs independent from the role of the Graduate Committee and Department administration. This person is not considered a responsible employee and can serve as a confidential adviser (within legal limits) who can help navigate issues that you may feel uncomfortable discussing with others.
Dr. Paul Zimmerman, [email protected]

Graduate Committee: Serve as your first year faculty advisors and assist with questions, concerns and conflict resolution throughout your graduate career.

Graduate Student Handbook 2024-25  (pdf)

Chemistry Advisor Change Policy (pdf)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy (pdf)


The Graduate Committee:

Julie Biteen, Chair, [email protected]

Analytical - Charles McCrory,  [email protected]
Chembio - Sarah Keane, [email protected]
Inorganic - Joshua Buss, [email protected]
Materials - Adam Matzger, [email protected]
Organic - Pavel Nagory, [email protected]
Physical - Ted Goodson, [email protected]


Other Support Contacts:

Rackham Resolution Office
Rackham CAPS Office
Rackham Help and Support Contacts



If you or someone you know is in immediate danger because of thoughts of suicide, there is help for you. Do not hesitate to call. Please reach out for help.

If you are not in immediate danger, but need someone to talk with right now, please call one of the following 24/7, 365 days/year, resources:

  • UM Hospital Psychiatric Emergency Services: (734) 996-4747

  • LGBT Suicide Hotline: 1-866-4-U-TREVOR

  • 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
    All calls: main number
    Military Veterans: press 1
    Spanish speaking: press 2

        Call a friend or family member



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