Congratulations to AC's Ian Shin and A/PIA Faculty Associate Anne Cong-Huyen, who were awarded an anti-racism grant from the Office of the Vice President for Research!
Along with Matthew Bui (School of Information) and Anthony Vanky (Columbia University), the team will work on the project "Asians in Southeast Michigan: Information Networks and Placemaking as Responses to Racist Violence (1980s-present)."  

As reported in the Record, "This research project maps the emergence of Asian ethnoburbs in southeast Michigan, examining how racist violence shaped, and continues to shape, suburbanizing Asian Americans’ relations with other communities of color. Using novel data sources, the team will explore the role of social networks in sharing vital information and shaping identity, and how digital technologies can preserve and uplift histories while also drawing attention to the historic erasure and invisibility of minoritized (sub)communities."

Congrats, Ian & Anne!