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The Graduate Certificate Program in Science, Technology, and Society (STS) is designed for students already enrolled in a graduate program at the University of Michigan. It can be combined with a master’s or a doctoral degree to achieve specialization in Science and Technology Studies, the history and anthropology of medicine, and related fields. We welcome applications from any U-M graduate students in good standing, whether from LS&A departments or any of the professional schools.

The certificate requires 12 credit hours of course work that will prepare students to:

  • Understand the reciprocal role of science, technology, and medicine in shaping modern societies, especially with regard to social, political, and ethical choices.
  • Explore how these dynamics differ among the world’s societies, including pre-modern and non-Western cultures.
  • Develop sensitivity to issues of gender, race, and class in science, technology, and medicine.
  • Use STS approaches to further their professional and intellectual development as practitioners (e.g., engineers or scientists) and/or academics.

Those wishing to pursue the certificate program from outside the University of Michigan must first apply to a masters or PhD-granting department or school for admission. We particularly encourage application to the departments of History, American Culture, Anthropology, English, and Sociology, and to the School of Information and School of Public Health.

Students already enrolled in graduate programs at U-M can apply anytime by following the directions here. While certificates are conferred at graduation, eligible students are encouraged to apply early in order to join the community as soon as possible.

STS Supports a Vibrant Interdisciplinary Community

STS graduate students additionally have opportunities to participate in:

  • Reading Groups
  • Manuscript Workshops
  • Professionalization Activities
  • Planning the STS Speakers' Series and STS Symposia
  • STS Program governance

For More Program Information

View current STS Certificate students, sample study plans and general information about graduate certificates.

For further information, email [email protected].

Conference Travel Funds

The STS Program offers modest conference travel grants for STS graduate certificate students. Students in good standing can apply for up to $500 to attend a STS-related conference where they will present on a panel, roundtable, or poster session. Students are eligible for funding at a maximum of every other year.

To apply: fill out the application form before the conference and send to the STS graduate director at [email protected]. Applications must be received before the conference or meeting; there is no retroactive funding. We accept applications on a rolling basis and anticipate awarding 2-3 each fall and winter semester.