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Placement Tests

The Slavic department offers placement tests for the following languages:

For languages not taught at the University of Michigan, please visit the following website. Complete the "Request for Evaluation of Language not Taught at the University of Michigan" and a representative from the Language Learning Center will be in touch with you within a week. This process should only be followed if you are an LSA and/or CSP student. If you are registered through another college, please contact [email protected]

New & Returning Students

Placement tests are for students who are planning to further their language study or want to test out of the language requirement. If you previously studied one of the languages below and wish to continue studying that same language at U-M Ann Arbor, you MUST take a placement exam prior to enrolling in one of our language courses.

Placement test results are valid for one year. Students who do not enroll in the language course appropriate to their placement within one year of their test date are required to retake the placement test.

New Language Learners

If you have no prior knowledge of the target language, you do not need to take the placement test; you are eligible to directly enroll in the first term of the first-year language course: BCS 131/531, Czech 141/541, Polish 121/561, Russian 101/511 or Russian 103, UKR 151/551. Please note that the first term of our first-year language courses is offered only in the fall term with the exception of Russian 123/523, which is usually offered in the spring term.

Heritage Russian Speakers

We offer special language courses for heritage speakers of Russian. If you have previous experience speaking Russian or listening to Russian and would like to obtain reading and writing proficiency, please register for Russian 125/524 (Russian for Heritage Speakers I). If you have any questions about your Russian placement, please email [email protected].

Taking a Placement Test

Non-U-M Students

Students who are not enrolled at the University of Michigan will be charged a fee to take a placement test.