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In addition to the titles listed below, the Michigan Slavic Materials (MSM) series also includes the titles in the following subseries:
Accent in Serbocroatian: An Experimental Study
I. Lehiste, Ivic, P.
From the Introduction: This paper constitutes the second in a series of reports describing the results of an acoustic-phonetic investigation of the phonetic and phonemic nature of the accents in Modern Standard Serbocroatian.* The purpose of the investigation is threefold: to establish the phonetic nature of the so-called word accents in Modern Standard Serbocroatian(1), to describe the interrelationships Between the word accents and sentence intonation, and to provide a structural-linguistic interpretation of the observed phenomena. The first report (2) dealt mainly with...
See MoreBaroque in Bohemia
Souckova, M., postscript by Jakobson, R.
Publisher: Michigan Slavic Publications
Year of Publication: 1980
Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
# of Pages: 216
Price: $12.00
ISBN: 0-930042-31-X
Format: Paperback
Series Name / Number: Michigan Slavic Materials [MSM] / 17
Cinema All the Time: An Anthology of Czech Film Theory and Criticism
Andel, J. and Szczepanik, P.
This anthology assembles some of the earliest Czech texts on film published in the period between 1908 and 1939, i.e., between the rise of art cinema and the outbreak of World War II, writings that were instrumental in shaping various ways film was seen and understood in this formative period.
The anthology is organized both thematically and chronologically to reflect the rise of film as a new medium, a cultural institution, and an art form—in other words, to document the discursive construction of film in its variety and multiplicity. The writings express a number of concerns...
See MoreHymn O Perle
Milosz, C.
Publisher: Michigan Slavic Publications
Year of Publication: 1982
Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
# of Pages: 98
Price: $14.00
ISBN: 0-930042-45-X
Format: Hardcover
Series Name / Number: Michigan Slavic Materials [MSM] / 21
Legacy of Genghis Khan and Other Essays on Russia's Identity
Trubetzkoy, N.S.
Publisher: Michigan Slavic Publications
Year of Publication: 1991
Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
# of Pages: 400
Price: $32.00
ISBN: 0-930042-70-0
Format: Hardcover
Series Name / Number: Michigan Slavic Materials [MSM] / 33
On Karel Capek: A Michigan Slavic Symposium
Makin, M. and Toman, J.
Publisher: Michigan Slavic Publications
Year of Publication: 1992
Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
# of Pages: 131
Price: $18.00
ISBN: 0-93-0042-71-9
Format: Paperback
Series Name / Number: Michigan Slavic Materials [MSM] / 34
Orest Somov: Selected Prose in Russian
Mersereau, Jr., J. and Harjan, G.
Publisher: Michigan Slavic Publications
Year of Publication: 1974
Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
# of Pages: 185
ISBN: 0-930042-04-2
Format: Paperback
Series Name / Number: Michigan Slavic Materials [MSM] / 11
Origin of the Slavic Phonological System
Mares, F.V.
Publisher: Michigan Slavic Publications
Year of Publication: 1965
Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
# of Pages: 94
Price: $7.50
ISBN: 0-930042-01-8
Format: Paperback
Series Name / Number: Michigan Slavic Materials [MSM] / 6
Piesn Niepodlegla: The Invincible Song--A Clandestine Anthology
Milosz, C.
Published in German-occupied Warsaw, this underground anthology of war poetry pays tribute to a spirit that, despite coercion and violence, remained both independent and invincible. That spirit moved the underground resistance but also expressed itself as a simple will for survival shared by the whole nation. The anthology reflects multifarious reactions to the war: at times a warrior’s song and a call to arms, it is also a complaint and cry of despair, a philosophical reflection and a reaffirmation of faith.
Divided into five sections, The Invincible Song follows the evolution...
See MoreReadings in Soviet Semiotics
Matejka, L.
Publisher: Michigan Slavic Publications
Year of Publication: 1977
Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
# of Pages: 448
Price: $7.00
ISBN: 0-930042-08-5
Format: Paperback
Series Name / Number: Michigan Slavic Materials [MSM] / 15
Russian Formalist Film Theory
Eagle, H. J.
Publisher: Michigan Slavic Publications
Year of Publication: 1981
doi Number: 0-930042-42-5
Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
# of Pages: 174
Price: $0.00
Out Of Print: Yes
Format: Hardcover
Series Name / Number: Michigan Slavic Materials [MSM] / 19
Slavic Transformational Syntax
Brecht, R. D. & Chvany, C.V., introduction by Lunt, H. G.
Publisher: Michigan Slavic Publications
Year of Publication: 1974
Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
# of Pages: 264
Price: $10.00
ISBN: 0-936534-08-7
Format: Hardcover
Series Name / Number: Michigan Slavic Materials [MSM] / 10
Studies in Macedonian Language, Literature and Culture: The First North American Macedonian Conference
Stoltz, B. A.
Publisher: Michigan Slavic Publications
Year of Publication: 1995
Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
# of Pages: 276
Price: $22.00
ISBN: 0-930042-76-X
Format: Paperback
Series Name / Number: Michigan Slavic Materials [MSM] / 30
Time in Language
Kucera, H. and Trnka, K.
Publisher: Michigan Slavic Publications
Year of Publication: 1975
Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
# of Pages: 111
Price: $10.00
ISBN: 0-930042-05-0
Format: Paperback
Series Name / Number: Michigan Slavic Materials [MSM] / 12