Giving Initiatives in Psychology
A summary of giving initiatives within the Department of Psychology is available through the College of Literature, Science and the Arts Office of Advancement. Some additional giving opportunities are detailed below.
Psychology Strategic Fund
The Department of Psychology is ranked among the top three nation-wide, and many of our specialized programs are ranked first or second. Investing in the strategic fund helps us carry on the Department’s tradition of excellence. Gifts to this fund make it possible to enhance the research and training of our undergraduate and graduate students, and to recruit, retain and support our exceptional faculty. The strategic fund also provides resources for newly emerging and focused initiatives, including our effort to recognize the vital role of faculty mentorship in our students’ educational experiences. Your support will be an endorsement of our efforts!
Psychology Undergraduate Student Research Fund
Well over 500 Psychology undergraduate students engage in research projects with faculty every year and many report that doing research was one of the most valuable experiences during their undergraduate years. Contributions to the Undergraduate Student Research Fund will help cover summer internships, research supplies, travel to research sites, attendance at scientific meetings, scientific poster and publication costs and other costs associated with cutting-edge research. Your gift will have a real impact on the opportunities for scientific discovery
that we can offer to our undergraduate students. Your generous support will help our students build their research skills and improve their readiness for competitive graduate programs, jobs in industry and other professional career paths.
Psychology Graduate Student Research Fund
Graduate students collaborate with faculty-led research teams and play a vital role in scientific research and discovery. Contributions to the Graduate Student Research Fund will help cover fellowships, research supplies, travel to research sites, attendance at scientific meetings, scientific poster and publication costs, and other costs associated with cutting-edge research. Your gift will have a real impact on the opportunities for scientific discovery that we can offer to our graduate students. Your generous support will help us recruit and retain top-notch young scientists and prepare them to chart the future of psychological science.
Mail A Donation Directly to the Department
Department of Psychology
1004 East Hall
530 Church St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1043
Please be sure to make your check payable to the University of Michigan and specify which fund you are supporting. Questions? Contact the Department at [email protected], or call 734-647-4952.