Joel Samoff Collegiate Professor of Political Science and Afroamerican and African Studies, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
[email protected]
Office Information:
5508 Haven Hall
phone: 734.763.5037
Comparative Politics;
Political Science
Oxford University, D.Phil. (Politics)
Oxford University, M.Phil. (Politics)
Duke University, A.B. (Political Science and History)
Anne Pitcher studies the comparative politics of developing countries, especially those in Africa. Her current research examines party politics, bureaucratic institutions, urban political economy, and the provision of goods such as housing, water, electricity and health care in authoritarian as well as democratic environments including Angola, Mozambique, Kenya and South Africa. Her last book, Party Politics and Economic Reform in Africa’s Democracies (Cambridge, 2012) won Honorable Mention for best book from the African Politics Conference Group, an organized section of the American Political Science Association and the African Studies Association. She has published over 30 journal articles or book chapters and recently was awarded the Dudley Seers Prize for best article in the Journal of Development Studies in 2017. Currently, she is a co-editor with Kelly Askew of African Perspectives, a book series at the University of Michigan Press. She also serves as past president of the African Studies Association.
Courses Taught
- African Politics (Grad & UGrad)
- Business and Politics in Developing Countries (Ugrad)
- Party Politics and Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa (Senior Seminar)
- Afroamerican and African Studies
- Center for Political Studies
- African Studies Center
- Program in International and Comparative Studies
Fields of Study
- Comparative Politics
- Political Economy
- Urban Politics