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Advisors are available to meet with students who are interested in learning more about a major or minor in political science, as well as discuss with current majors and minors their progress, future course elections, and career plans. Students should meet with an advisor to declare a plan in political science. Please click on "Schedule Advising Appointment" below to schedule an appointment.

Advising Appointments

Students can schedule in-person, virtual, and phone appointments using our online appointment scheduling tool.

Advising Drop-In Hours

Fall 2024 Advising Drop-In Hours have ended. Drop-in hours will resume on January 9, 2025 and are available from 9:00am-12:00pm on Thursdays with George Tyler in 5700 Haven Hall.

If you have scheduling restrictions and nothing available will work with your schedule, feel free to email [email protected] and let us know when you are available so that we can find a time that works to meet with you.

For general advising questions, such as foreign language proficiency or LSA distribution requirements, students should make an appointment to see a general advisor in the LSA Newnan Advising Office, 1255 Angell Hall.