University of Michigan Political Science major Jazmine Mercado was accepted into the extremely competitive Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Internship in Washington, D.C. for the summer of 2018.

Read a bit about Jazmine's experience below:

"Being able to be in Washington DC working on Capitol Hill this summer as a Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute intern has been a great honor. I got to work with Congressman Luis Gutierrez from the fourth district of Illinois, my home district back in Chicago. While on the Hill, I was able to learn about key issues facing our country like immigration policy and got a front row seat to the inner workings of a Congressional office. Seeing a strong respected Latino work in Congress was a privilege. I can't wait to return to DC in the future!"

And a little from Jazmine's advisor, Assistant Professor of Political Science Mara Ostfeld:

"Jazmine is among the most driven students I have ever known, and her commitment to using her gifts to serve and strengthen Latino communities is inspiring. It has been such a joy and honor to have her in our department. She is a rising star for sure, and I have no doubt she will have a powerful impact on our communities and country."