Latina/o Studies Program: People
[email protected]
Fields of Study: transnational and comparative history, social movements, race and ethnicity, Latinx studies, Arab American studies, U.S. in the World
[email protected]
3642 Haven Hall
Fields of study:
Visual, material culture and consumption Studies;Speculative Fiction Studies;Latina/o Chicana/o Studies
Fields of study:
Visual, material culture and consumption Studies;Speculative Fiction Studies;Latina/o Chicana/o Studies
[email protected]
3632 Haven Hall
Fields of study:
Chicano/Latino film and media, Latina American cinema, Mexican cinema 734.615.2935
Fields of study:
Chicano/Latino film and media, Latina American cinema, Mexican cinema 734.615.2935
Ashley Lucas
Professor, Director of the Program in Latina/o Studies and Undergraduate Advisor for the Major and Minor
Professor, Director of the Program in Latina/o Studies and Undergraduate Advisor for the Major and Minor
[email protected]
[email protected]
3767 Haven Hall
Fields of study:
19th-century United States; historical construction of race, gender, and sexuality in the U.S.; Mexican-American history; Latino/a history; the history of sexuality 734.615.5766
Fields of study:
19th-century United States; historical construction of race, gender, and sexuality in the U.S.; Mexican-American history; Latino/a history; the history of sexuality 734.615.5766
[email protected]
4226 LSA
International Sociology; Inequalities and Stratification; Politics and Social Change; Qualitative Approaches; Race and Ethnicity; Sociology 734.647.3659
International Sociology; Inequalities and Stratification; Politics and Social Change; Qualitative Approaches; Race and Ethnicity; Sociology 734.647.3659
[email protected]
6330 North Quad
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285
Fields of study:
Television studies, Race and media, Global media, Latino/a, Spanish Caribbean, Latin American, and African diaspora studies 734.764.5744
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285
Fields of study:
Television studies, Race and media, Global media, Latino/a, Spanish Caribbean, Latin American, and African diaspora studies 734.764.5744
[email protected]
Fields of study:
Health and society, reproductive politics, genetics and social justice 734.936.5902
Health and society, reproductive politics, genetics and social justice 734.936.5902