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Germanic Department Photo Contest

The University of Michigan Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures photo contest is open to all students affiliated with the Germanic department through research, study, or an international internship completed between May 3-August 31, 2024. Email [email protected] with questions or for more information.


Awards will be issued via your student account in Wolverine Access: 

First Place: $100
Second Place: $50
Third Place: $25

Judging Criteria

Photos will be judged on subject matter, composition, technical quality, creativity, and originality by a select panel of U-M staff and faculty members.

Photo Suggestions

  • Wear the official "Michigan German" shirt you received when you declared your major in your photo!
  • Any photo which includes U-M student(s) engaged in German/Dutch/Swedish learning, research, cultural, or work activities is encouraged.
  • Share your photo from a German/Dutch/Swedish-speaking country.

Rules of Entry

  1. Entrants must be U-M students affiliated with the Germanic department.
  2. Entrants must have participated in research, study, or an internship related to or funded by the Germanic department (either in the U.S. or abroad).
  3. Up to three photos may be submitted per entrant.
  4. Entrants are eligible to win only one prize.
  5. Photos must be your original work and taken between May 3-August 31, 2024.
  6. Digitally altered photos are not accepted. Black and white photos are eligible.
  7. Submit photo(s) using the submission form.
  8. Entries must be received no later than the September 4, 2024 deadline.

Submission Guidelines

  • Photos must be the original work of the submitter
  • Photo specs : JPEG, TIFF, or RAW
  • Color and black and white photos are eligible
  • Photos should be large format, high resolution (300dpi recommended)
  • Each entry must be sent as an individual file via the submission form
  • By entering the Germanic Department Photo Contest, the student acknowledges the Photo Contest Use Notice

2024 Submission Form

Submission form:

Please contact [email protected] with any questions. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see if we feature your photo! You're welcome to share your photo(s) with your own followers too--and be sure to include the hashtag #umichGerman, #umichDutch, or #umichSwedish!