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Kafka in the Middle East

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
4:00 AM
Michigan League, Kalamazoo Room

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Organizer: Kader Konuk, [email protected]
Host institution: Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies

This roundtable gathers scholars from a variety of disciplines to discuss the legacy of Franz Kafka in the Middle East. Participants enter into a conversation about the translation, appropriation, and staging of Kafka's work in Egypt, Turkey, and Israel. Participants: • Maya Barzilai, Frankel Center and Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan • Atef Botros, Near Eastern Studies, Marburg University • Kader Konuk, Comparative Literature and German Studies, University of Michigan • Na'ama Rokem, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago • Scott Spector, History and German Studies, University of Michigan • Shaden Tageldin, Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature, University of Minnesota