Thursday, April 5, 2012
4:00 AM
MLB 3308 (Conference Room, German Department)
The Bronson-Thomas Essay Prizes of $175, $125, and $75 are awarded each academic year for the three best performances in an essay competition held during the Winter term.
The essays must be written in German. The essay topic will be announced at the beginning of the competition. No dictionaries or electronic resources for the completion of the essay are allowed.Group 1:
* Students whose native language is German
* Students who stayed for one year or longer at a German high school
* Students who studied with Michigan's CGIS study-abroad program in Freiburg or Tübingen
* Students who studied through another study-abroad program for more than one term at a German university
Group 2: Students who have not spent more than six months in Germany yet
Students who have won this award in the past cannot participate again.
If you have a class conflict that does not allow you to be present at 7 p.m. but would still like to participate, please let Kalli Federhoffer know ([email protected]).