English Language and Literature: Affiliated Faculty
[email protected]
4733 Haven Hall
Fields of study:
American studies; 19th- and 20th-century American literature; African American literature; African diaspora studies; interdisciplinary approaches to literature, femininsm and gender studies, and travel writing
734 763.5525
Fields of study:
American studies; 19th- and 20th-century American literature; African American literature; African diaspora studies; interdisciplinary approaches to literature, femininsm and gender studies, and travel writing
734 763.5525
Howard Markel
Professor Pediatric & Comm Diseases Dept - Medical School - LSA History - Medical School Administration - Health Management and Policy - School of Public Health - Psychiatry Department - LSA English Language & Lit.
Professor Pediatric & Comm Diseases Dept - Medical School - LSA History - Medical School Administration - Health Management and Policy - School of Public Health - Psychiatry Department - LSA English Language & Lit.
Lisa Nakamura
Gwendolyn Calvert Baker Collegiate Professor; Coordinator and Undergraduate Advisor for the Digital Studies Minor
Gwendolyn Calvert Baker Collegiate Professor; Coordinator and Undergraduate Advisor for the Digital Studies Minor
[email protected]
3735 Haven Hall
Fields of study:
Asian American studies, digital media theory, digital game studies, feminist theory, film and television studies, race and gender in new media 734 615.6472
Fields of study:
Asian American studies, digital media theory, digital game studies, feminist theory, film and television studies, race and gender in new media 734 615.6472
[email protected]
Department of Linguistics
University of Michigan
440A Lorch Hall (Chair's Office)
406 Lorch Hall (Faculty Office)
611 Tappan St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220
Fields of Study:
Phonetics and Phonology; Language Contact; Sociolinguistics; Prosody
University of Michigan
440A Lorch Hall (Chair's Office)
406 Lorch Hall (Faculty Office)
611 Tappan St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220
Fields of Study:
Phonetics and Phonology; Language Contact; Sociolinguistics; Prosody
Mrinalini Sinha
Alice Freeman Palmer Professor of History; Professor (by courtesy) of English and Women's Studies; Senior Fellow, Michigan Society of Fellows (2015-)
Alice Freeman Palmer Professor of History; Professor (by courtesy) of English and Women's Studies; Senior Fellow, Michigan Society of Fellows (2015-)
[email protected]
1743 Haven Hall
Fields of Study:
Asia; Global & World ; Gender Studies & Sexuality; Intellectual & Cultural History ; Nations & Nationalism; Politics & Power 734 615.3451
Fields of Study:
Asia; Global & World ; Gender Studies & Sexuality; Intellectual & Cultural History ; Nations & Nationalism; Politics & Power 734 615.3451