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Conference: "A Thing of the Past"

Friday, June 5, 2015
4:00 AM
1014 Tisch Hall

A two-day, interdisciplinary workshop on material evidence and the rewriting of the English Middle Ages.

Participants include:

  • Jane Burns––University of North Carolina (Women and Gender Studies, French Literature)
  • Carol Davidson Cragoe––Heritage Consultant, MontaguEvans LLP, UK (Architectural History
  • Sharon DeWitt––University of South Carolina (Physical Anthropology, Biology)
  • Martin Findell––University of Leicester, UK (Linguistics)
  • Keith Fitzpatrick–Matthew––Archaeology Officer, Herefordshire, UK (Field Archaeologist)
  • Robin Fleming––Boston College (History, Material Culture Studies)
  • Katherine L. French––University of Michigan (History)
  • Anne Grauer––Loyola University, Chicago (Bioarchaeology, Anthropology)
  • Nancy Khalek––Brown University (Early Islam, Religious Studies)
  • Lilla Kopár––The Catholic University of America (Medieval Literature, Art History)
  • Maryanne Kowaleski––Fordham University (History)
  • Chris Lewis––Research Associate, King’s College London, UK (Medieval and Local History)
  • Aleksandra McClain–– University of York, UK (Building Archaeology)
  • Austin Mason––Carleton College (Early Medieval History, Digital Humanities)
  • Andrew Miller––DePaul University (History and Gender Studies) 
  • Elizabeth Pastan––Emory University (Art History)
  • Larry Poos––The Catholic University of America (History, Demography)
  • Giorgio Riello––University of Warwick, UK (Economic History, Material Culture Studies)
  • Martha Rust––New York University (English Literature)
  • Kathryn Smith––New York University (Art History)
  • Sarah Stanbury–– College of the Holy Cross (English Literature)
  • Carolyn Twomey––Boston College (History and Religion)
  • Stephen White––Emory University (History)
  • Tom Williamson––University of East Anglois, UK (Landscape Archaeology)

The workshop is free and open to the public, but please register by May 1 with Katherine French ([email protected]) for access to the pre-circulated papers and for head count for lunch and snacks.

Sponsored by: Department of History; Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies; Medieval and Early Modern Studies Program; Kelsey Museum; Departments of Anthropology, Classics, English, History of Art, Linguistics; Center for the History of Medicine; Archaeology at Michigan; Humanities Institute; International Institute; Dean of Rackham Graduate School; Office of Research; and the Dean of LS&A. With special thanks for our Radcliffe Institute Exploratory
Seminar Grant.