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At the Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies, faculty, students, and visitors can draw on common scholarly ground to examine diverse approaches to the study and the teaching of history. 

With your support, we can sustain our existing programs and explore new initiatives: partnerships with journalists, residencies for distinguished scholars, spaces for historical exhibitions, workshops for high school teachers, research opportunities for undergraduate students, and more. As we envision the institute’s next two decades, we reaffirm our commitment to the belief that historical thinking is indispensable to a well-informed citizenry.

Donate by Mail or Telephone

You may make also donate by phone (888.518.7888) or mail:

Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies
University of Michigan
1029 Tisch Hall, 435 S. State St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1003

Please make your check payable to the University of Michigan and specify that you are supporting the Frances & Kenneth Eisenberg Institute Fund.

Questions? Contact the EIHS director or call 734.647.5407.

Additional Giving Opportunities

To discuss these or other giving opportunities, including bequests, estate, or planned gifts, please contact Joseph Murray (LSA Advancement; [email protected]; 734.764.9865).