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Complex Systems presents: A Nobel Symposium 2019

An afternoon symposium.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
1:00-5:30 PM
10th Floor Weiser Hall Map
Eight scholars discuss the work, impact, and personality of the Laureates of this year's SEVEN! Nobel Prizes. (Snacks and coffee will be provided throughout the afternoon)


1:00-1:05pm INTRODUCTION
1:05-1:40pm CHEMISTRY
1:40-2:15pm PHYSICS
2:15-2:20pm 5 minute snack/coffee break
2:20-2:55pm MEDICINE
3:35-4:15pm PEACE PRIZE
4:15-4:20pm 5 minute snack/coffee break
4:20-4:55pm LITERATURE 2018
4:55-5:30pm LITERATURE 2019

1:05 PM CHEMISTRY – Wei Lu, Director, ABCD Battery Research Center and Professor, Mechanical Engineering will discuss the Chemistry prize shared by: John Goodenough (b. Germany, University of Texas (Austin)); M. Stanley Whittingham (b. UK, Binghamton University, State University of New York); and Akira Yoshino (b. Japan, Asahi Kasei Corporation, Tokyo) in recognition of their work "for the development of lithium-ion batteries”

1:40 PM PHYSICS - Fred Adams, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, will discuss the Physics prize shared by James Peebles (b. Canada, Princeton) “for theoretical discoveries in physical cosmology”
and Michel Mayor (b. Switzerland, U. of Geneva), Didier Queloz (b. Switzerland U. of Geneva & Cambridge) for “the discovery of an exoplanet orbiting a solar-type star.”

2:20 PM MEDICINE - Yatrik Shah, Professor, Molecular and Integrative Physiology & Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology will discuss the Medicine prize shared by William G. Kaelin Jr. (b. USA, Harvard Medical School &, Howard Hughes Medical Institute); Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe (b. UK, Oxford; Francis Crick Institute) and Gregg L. Semenza (b. USA, Johns Hopkins University) “for their discoveries of how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability.”

2:55 PM ECONOMIC SCIENCES - Dean Yang, Professor Economics, Public Policy; Pop. Studies Center, will discuss the Economics prize shared by Abhijit Banerjee (b. Inida, MIT); Esther Duflo (b. FRANCE, MIT); and Michael Kremer (b. USA (NY), Harvard) “for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty.”

3:35 PM PEACE - Laura Nyantung Beny - Professor of Law, Associate Director of African Studies Center, UM, will discuss the award to Abiy Ahmed Ali (b. Ethiopia, Prime Minister FDRE) who received the prize “for promoting peace and reconciliation”.

4:20 PM LITERATURE 2018 – Benjamin Paloff, Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures & of Comparative Literature will discuss the award of the delayed 2018 Literature prize - Olga Tokarczuk (b. POLAND, Author) "for a narrative imagination that with encyclopedic passion represents the crossing of boundaries as a form of life."

4:55 PM LITERATURE 2019 - Johannes von Moltke, Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures & Professor of Film, Television and Media together with Teresa Kovacs, Professor of Germanic Studies, Indiana University will discuss laureate Peter Handke (b. POLAND, Author) who was awarded the prize "for an influential work that with linguistic ingenuity has explored the periphery and the specificity of human experience"

Each presentation will be 30 minutes followed by a Q & A.

Illustrations of Nobel Peace Prize Winners reprinted with permission of the illustration artist Niklas Elmehed. Copyright Nobel Media.

Organizer: Robert Deegan

Questions? Call 734-763-3301 or email [email protected]
Building: Weiser Hall
Event Type: Conference / Symposium
Tags: Africa, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Comparative Literature, English Language & Literataure, Germanic Languages And Literatures, Human Rights, Interdisciplinary, Natural Sciences, Nobel Prize, physics, Politics, Research, symposium, The College Of Literature, Science, And The Arts
Source: Happening @ Michigan from The Center for the Study of Complex Systems, The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Michigan Medicine, Comparative Literature, Department of Physics, International Institute, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan Law School, African Studies Center, Institute for Social Research, Department of Economics, Department of English Language and Literature, Germanic Languages & Literatures, Slavic Languages & Literatures, Department of Chemistry