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Request Event Funding

The Department of Comparative Literature enjoys collaborating with faculty, departments, graduate student interest groups, and undergraduate student groups on events that align with our areas of study. Since many units request co-sponsorship from our department, we have a streamlined process for reviewing requests. If you are interested in receiving sponsorship, please read the relevant subsections below and then click "Apply Here."

If you have difficulty with the site, please contact the chief administrator ([email protected]). We welcome your comments on how to improve this process!

Resources are limited so requests should be conservative.

In order to be eligible for funding, your organization and the event must be affiliated with the University of Michigan.

Application Deadline & Submission: Proposals must be submitted at least 30 days in advance of event and must include:

  • a brief narrative.

  • details regarding the planned event, including dates, location, scheduled activities or itinerary.

  • a budget, including information about other sources of funding sought and/or confirmed.

  • contact and account information

Consideration of incomplete applications will be delayed until all the needed information is received.

Additional Requirements:

Approved funding requests must include the Department of Comparative Literature as a sponsor in all publicity, acknowledgements of support, and on any recordings of the event. Please tag our department as a sponsor on Happening @ Michigan so your event will appear on our website calendar. Our event coordinator will also share tagged posts on social media, as appropriate. You must notify Giota Tachtara at [email protected] if any changes are made to your event.


The Department of Comparative Literature

Faculty & Departments

The Department of Comparative Literature co-sponsors guest lectures, conferences, and other scholarly activities that contribute to the academic and research mission of the department and LSA. Preference will be given to events that demonstrate a strong interdisciplinary focus.

Student Interest Groups

The Department of Comparative Literature co-sponsors guest lectures and provides funding for other scholarly activities that contribute to the academic and research mission of the department and LSA.  We usually limit funding to one event per group each year. The department will prioritize student interest groups (e.g. Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshops) affiliated with Comparative Literature. Events proposed by students outside of the department must be open to Comparative Literature graduate student participation. Comparative Literature does not provide funding for charity, cultural or social events, or conference/research travel for individual students.