2022 Glenn M. Knudsvig Award for Outstanding Latin Teaching
in Michigan Secondary Schools
The Department is proud to announce the 2022 recipient of the Glenn M. Knudsvig Award for Outstanding Latin Teaching in Michigan Secondary Schools is Mrs. Lauren Marquard from Mercy High School in Farmington Hills, Michigan. Lauren was honored at the department’s 2022 Translation and Teaching Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, April 19 in the Michigan League.
Mrs. Marquard was nominated by Sophia Tesic, a former student who is now studying attending the University of Michigan. Ms. Tesic writes:
Most students have at least one teacher in high school who has made a lasting impact on their lives. For myself and many of my former classmates, this teacher is Mrs. Marquard. Running Mercy High School’s Latin program is definitely not easy job, yet it is a job Mrs. Marquard manages to do phenomenally. The only thing that matches her deep knowledge of the Latin language is her clear passion for teaching, and the combination of these two strengths creates a classroom environment that enriches the experience for all her students. During my four years one of Mrs. Marquard’s students, I felt that the progress I made in understanding Latin structure and grammar would not have been possible without the emphasis she placed on having a well-rounded classics education. Learning to connect the culture of the ancient world to the texts we read in class instilled an appreciation for Latin that has led me to continue studying the language in college.
According to Mercy High School Principal Patricia Sattler, “We are very proud of Lauren and blessed to have her share her outstanding talents and expertise with the Mercy High School community!”
Lauren Marquard is a graduate of Mercy High School and holds a BA in Latin and History from the University of Michigan, in addition to an MS in Educational Leadership from Madonna University. She sponsors a chapter of the Junior Classical League, and served as the State Chair of the Michigan JCL from 2015-2019.
In her time at Mercy, she has doubled the size of the Latin program and greatly expanded its course offerings, including a standard and an honors track, for students of all abilities and interests. Over the past decade, she has fostered a spirit of discovery through travel, leading students to Italy and throughout the classical world.
In her free time, Lauren enjoys traveling with her husband Caleb, reading, and swing dancing.
Congratulations Lauren!