On April 8, 2022, we held our second virtual German Day. The theme was Erzählkunst, or German Storytelling. Storytelling is an art that adopts a variety of forms and utilizes a multitude of media to pass on values, remember history, express emotions or simply entertain.  Telling stories, whether through frescos or Fraktur, dance or design, plays or podcasts, is part of being human. Fairy tales and folklore from the German-speaking world specifically have found an enthusiastic audience outside of Europe.  Both Washington Irving’s “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”, and Edgar Allen Poe’s “Lenore” have their roots in German legends and poems. Krampus, das Nibelungenlied, die Lorelei and even der Osterhase have crossed over from mythology into modern times.  

Students' mission was to create a story, tell their story, retell a story, or convey a story through music, dance, art, digital media or even food, using imagery, improvisation, and embellishment. They were encouraged to share a story in a traditional form such as legends, fables, fairy tales, mythology or folktales, or take advantage of newer technology to construct a zine, a comic, an audio recording, website or video. The possibilities were endless and the results were outstanding and creative!