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Selected Bibliography

Below is an abbreviated collection of the sources used to develop the mission and curriculum for the Academic Leadership Institute that may provide further information for those interested in diversity in higher education administration.

Davis, G. & Huang, B. (2013). Rising Voices, Lifting Leaders: Empowering Asian Pacific Islander American Leadership in Higher Education. American Council on Higher Education: Washington DC.

Gagliardi, J., Espoinosa, L., Turk, J & Taylor, M (2017). American College President Study 2017. American Council on Education. Washington D.C.

Jackson, J. F.L., & O’Callaghan, E. M. (2009). Ethnic and racial administrative diversity: Understanding work life realities and experiences in higher education. ASHE Higher Education Report, 32(3). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.

Reyes, K. A. (2012). Assessing how higher education administrators of color navigate spaces of advocacy for social justice (Doctoral dissertation, The University of Utah).

Williams, D. and Wade-Golden, K. (2008). The Chief Diversity Officer: A Primer for College and University Presidents, Washington DC: American Council on Education.

Wolfe, B. & Dilworth, P. (2015). Transitioning Normalcy: Organizational Culture, AfricanAmerican Administrators, and Diversity Leadership in Higher Education. Review of Educational Research, 85(4), 667-697.

Wolfe, B. & Freeman, Jr. S. (2013). A case administrator of color: Insights and policy implications for higher education’s predominantly white institutions. eJournal of Education Policy, 1-11.