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Aristea Kola


[email protected]

Office Information:

3rd Floor MLB, 3028 MLB
812 East Washington Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1275

Slavic Languages and Literatures

Aristea received a MA in International and Regional Studies with a specialization in the REES area from the University of Michigan in 2022. She has previously received a Bachelor's and a second Master's degree in Literature from the University of Tirana, Albania, specializing in Theory and Literary Critique. Since then she has published several articles, participated in some creative writing workshops, and published poetries in an anthology of young poets in Albania. Her interests include the 20th C Russian literature, Russian women writers, prison literature under communism, dissident poetry, underground literature, poets of the drawer, samizdat and tamizdat, the role of propaganda in literature, literature of exile, literature as resistance, and literature as cultural memory. She also likes to explore the influences of Greek Mythology on Russian and Eastern Europe literatures, and make comparative approaches to Balkans, in particular Albanian literature.

In her free time, Aristea likes to translate from Italian, experiment with her camera as an amateur nature photographer, and listen to classical and jazz music.