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Michigan Language and Word Association

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
5:00 AM
3315 Mason Hall

...a new organization with the University of Michigan... (meets weekly)

Our goals are three-fold. First, our main purpose is to establish an appreciation for languages across the world. We take the time to explore, ask questions, and share experiences in order to broaden our multicultural horizons through the facet of language.

Secondly, we are a community service-orientated club, so that in the near fear future we can establish programs for students regarding languages (e.g. language labs, community service educational outreach programs, etc.)

Lastly, we also want to push for more emphasis on language study at the University of Michigan (i.e. Etymology courses, Multilingual courses, Kinesics, etc.)
Our maize page has more information, including our constitution and mission statement

Regarding meeting times, we meet in Mason Hall room 3315 from 8:00-9:00 every Wednesday. Interested students should contact either:
Patrick Kelley ([email protected]), or Lee Schechter ([email protected])