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Salon: A fungal pandemic is massacring frogs, but scientists just found a virus that could lead to a cure

Over 500 species of amphibians are suffering major population declines due to BD while there have been 90 possible extinctions and near extinctions.

Museum Studies Student Christiana Sinacola — “Conversations from the Herbarium”

Museum Studies Program Student Christiana Sinacola provides insight to her semester work at the herbarium digitizing and databasing specimens as part of the NSF fundes "All Asia" project.


The University of Michigan Herbarium is home to some of the finest botanical collections in the world. The 1.7 million specimens of vascular plants, algae, bryophytes, fungi, and lichens combined with the expertise of the faculty-curators, students, and staff provide a world-class facility for teaching and research in systematic biology and biodiversity studies.

Photo credit: R.W. Smith

Foeniculum vulgare - A native annual of the Mediterranean region. First collected in 1893 in Wayne Co.  Learn More

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We strive to support our students and faculty on the front lines of learning and research and to steward our planet, our community, our campus. To do this, the Herbarium needs your support.

Michigan Flora Online

The Michigan Flora Website presents information about all vascular plants known to occur outside of cultivation. Information includes distribution maps, identification keys, discussions of species occurrence, and specimens documented.