Professor Emeritus of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, Professor Emeritus of Materials Science and Engineering
[email protected]
Office Information:
2933 Cooley
phone: 734.764.6888
Applied Physics Program;
Materials Science, Metallurgy (Experimental);
Nuclear Engineering (Theoretical)
Ph.D. California Institute of Technology, Applied Physics, 1985
M.S. California Institute of Technology, Applied Physics, 1982
B.Sc. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Physics & Math, 1980
Experimental and theoretical aspects of nonequilibrium transformations in and mechanical behavior of in metallic materials. Experimental studies focus on structure characterization by x-ray diffraction, conventional & high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and nanoindentation. Current research involves the role of grain boundaries in the deformation of nanocrystalline metals, as well as the effect of shear bands in metallic glasses on atomic transport and mechanical behavior.
Current research involves the role of grain boundaries in the deformation of nanocrystalline metals, as well as the effect of shear bands in metallic glasses on atomic transport and mechanical behavior.